Monday, 19 October 2009
God, Can He really Help Us?
This is just to say that God is real and can actually help you in so many ways. if you really want to know how that is possible, read this blog and find out.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
The Biblical Success System
The Bible Has Given Us Specific Rules To Follow To Get Out Of Debt And Walk In Financial Freedom. Discover 5 Financial Secrets To Christian Abundance, 3 Steps To Getting Out Of Debt And His Way To Success! Follow Link For Full Story: The Biblical Success System
Free Gift
Sign up to Success His Way Tips and Receive “12 Biblical Rules For Financial Success”
“Has the recession, state of the economy, or bad personal habits taken a toll on your pocketbook?”
In January of 2008 I began a lifestyle change that consistently gave me 4 times what I was previously earning. I discovered how to get out of debt and experience financial freedom.
Subscribe Now and Get Your Free Gift:
I went from being a “poor missionary” to a financially free internet entrepreneur with the resources to fulfill my purpose in life and ministry, provide a nice living for my family. I don’t worry about “losing my job”. To date, I have NEVER ben effected by the economy nor by unsuspected financial crisis’s.
How did I do it? By following 12 simple and Biblically sound rules.
My question to you is: “If I were to share these rules with you, would you be willing to put them into action?” In other words, would you actually do the steps that I give instead of just downloading them now reading about them?
Follow Link For Full Story: The Biblical Success System
Hint: One of the concepts that I explain in this free report has to do with this statement- “LIVE TO GIVE”.
We all know that Luke 6:38 tells us to give and it will be given unto us, But should we do this even when we are in a financial crisis?
When I fell a struggle coming on I actually increase my giving efforts. Are you willing to give, even when it’s uncomfortable or doesn’t make any sense?
I know that this topic has been abused by some well known Christian personalities. I’m not asking you to give me your money, but I am asking you to take the time to think and pray about the rule of giving and receiving.You’ll discover more on this topic plus 11 more Biblical rules for success when you fill in your name and email address below.
Follow Link For Full Story: The Biblical Success System
I’ll answer these questions?
Should you tithe?
How much should you save for investments?
Should you borrow money?
How about lending money?
I will never tell you that the steps to worry free financial success are easy; Lifestyle change takes time and this is not an instant fix for your financial problems. It probably took time for you to get into a financial bind.
I’ve written out these rules for financial success in an easy to read report that you can download instantly in pdf format. I’m straight forward and don’t hold anything back in this easy to read guide. Some of my subscribers are even printing this guide out as a reminder to follow these rules daily.
When you subscribe to this website I’ll also send you a more in depth explanation of these rules every few days. You can unsubscribe to my mailing list whenever you like if you decide that my tips are too difficult or if you don’t like receiving emails.
Get the “12 Biblical Rules For Financial Freedom” by filling out the form below.
Follow Link For Full Story: The Biblical Success System
Free Gift
Sign up to Success His Way Tips and Receive “12 Biblical Rules For Financial Success”
“Has the recession, state of the economy, or bad personal habits taken a toll on your pocketbook?”
In January of 2008 I began a lifestyle change that consistently gave me 4 times what I was previously earning. I discovered how to get out of debt and experience financial freedom.
Subscribe Now and Get Your Free Gift:
I went from being a “poor missionary” to a financially free internet entrepreneur with the resources to fulfill my purpose in life and ministry, provide a nice living for my family. I don’t worry about “losing my job”. To date, I have NEVER ben effected by the economy nor by unsuspected financial crisis’s.
How did I do it? By following 12 simple and Biblically sound rules.
My question to you is: “If I were to share these rules with you, would you be willing to put them into action?” In other words, would you actually do the steps that I give instead of just downloading them now reading about them?
Follow Link For Full Story: The Biblical Success System
Hint: One of the concepts that I explain in this free report has to do with this statement- “LIVE TO GIVE”.
We all know that Luke 6:38 tells us to give and it will be given unto us, But should we do this even when we are in a financial crisis?
When I fell a struggle coming on I actually increase my giving efforts. Are you willing to give, even when it’s uncomfortable or doesn’t make any sense?
I know that this topic has been abused by some well known Christian personalities. I’m not asking you to give me your money, but I am asking you to take the time to think and pray about the rule of giving and receiving.You’ll discover more on this topic plus 11 more Biblical rules for success when you fill in your name and email address below.
Follow Link For Full Story: The Biblical Success System
I’ll answer these questions?
Should you tithe?
How much should you save for investments?
Should you borrow money?
How about lending money?
I will never tell you that the steps to worry free financial success are easy; Lifestyle change takes time and this is not an instant fix for your financial problems. It probably took time for you to get into a financial bind.
I’ve written out these rules for financial success in an easy to read report that you can download instantly in pdf format. I’m straight forward and don’t hold anything back in this easy to read guide. Some of my subscribers are even printing this guide out as a reminder to follow these rules daily.
When you subscribe to this website I’ll also send you a more in depth explanation of these rules every few days. You can unsubscribe to my mailing list whenever you like if you decide that my tips are too difficult or if you don’t like receiving emails.
Get the “12 Biblical Rules For Financial Freedom” by filling out the form below.
Follow Link For Full Story: The Biblical Success System
Monday, 20 April 2009
My Story For Christ: The Personal Story Tract Witnessing System (ebook And Tract Templates) That Empowers And Equips You To Write, Print And Share You
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Let me ask you a question: "How important is sharing your faith in God to you?"
On a scale of 1-to-10, is witnessing an all-important "10", or a not-very-important "2"?
You're probably sitting there alone at your computer, so go ahead and be honest.
Ask yourself, what's holding me back? And more important, "What would it take for me to start witnessing on a daily basis?"
I asked myself the same questions, starting with why I wasn't witnessing the way I felt I should. In a fit of honesty, I came up with some answers. Check out my list:
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
"Corrine's Checklist -
Why I Didn't Witness"
I was afraid that I won't say the right thing
I was sure that I'd freeze-up or say something dumb when I was with a real, live person
I felt certain that that even if I did remember the scriptures/ the steps/the script, it wouldn't be enough
In the back of my mind were the thoughts that:
Since I'm so very (very!) far from perfect, God would never be able to use me
I needed more specialized training in evangelism
And the one I seemed to fall back on the most:
What gave me the right to intrude on a stranger's/neighbor's/ loved one?s time with unsolicited answers to questions they had never asked me?
It's not just me. A lot of people feel the same way. Check this out -
Eight Reasons Why I Don't Share My Faith
Any of that sound familiar? I wouldn't be surprised if it does. A lot of us are in the same boat.
In his book The Coming Revival, Campus Crusade for Christ founder Bill Bright wrote that only 2% (2%!) of Christians in America share their faith regularly. That means that 98% of us are remaining silent. So let me ask you now,
"Are you one of the 2% Christians
or are you one of the 98%ers?"
Where ever you are on the spectrum, I either envy you or I know exactly how you feel. Let me briefly share with you a bit of my own journey. Tell me if it sounds familiar...
I spent most of my Christian life wishing I were one of the 2%ers, but in truth, I was one of the 98%. I wanted to witness but I was just so bad at it! I needed help and I knew it. So I prayed, I researched, and I prayed some more.
It took me a while to figure out that the reason the training courses, the scripts and the memorization programs didn't work for me was because it wasn't me. I was pouring my heart and soul into telling someone else?s story, using someone else's words, and I was bombing out!
Now, please don?t think for one minute that I don?t appreciate the value of
* witnessing scripts,
* scripture memorization methods, and
* specialized evangelism training programs.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
I do! All this stuff is great - I know because I did most of it. If it works for you, keep it up! My problem was that even though I had the tools at hand, I still wasn't getting out there and witnessing the way I should. Try-as-I-might, I was never able to master the methods or the materials in a way that helped me feel confident enough to make witnessing part of my daily life.
It took me some time, but I came up with something that works for me and I know it will work for you, too!
"I found something that works!"
Regardless of your age or experience, whether you?ve been a Christian for 5-minutes or for 50-years, the My Story for Christ Witnessing System is designed to empower and equip the 2%ers and 98%ers alike to effectively share their faith on a daily basis.
The My Story for Christ Witnessing System allows you to share your faith in Christ with others while you are...
* standing in line at the market, the bank, the dry cleaners
* with waiters and waitresses in restaurants
* with other passengers on planes, trains, and buses
* and anywhere else!
You will be able to witness multiple times every single day to the people around you, wherever you might be. How great is that?
This system works for all types of people. Whether you're outgoing or shy, a full-time Evangelist or you work in a factory, we all have one thing in common ? our relationship with Jesus Christ.
It's that relationship experience that the My Story for Christ system capitalizes on and what makes our system so different from traditional witnessing programs. Instead of asking you to:
* practice long scripts before you can talk to anyone,
* memorize more scripture before you can share your faith, or
* attend specialized and lengthy evangelistic training courses,
... the My Story for Christ Witnessing System helps you recapture the power and awe of that one, absolutely amazing moment of profound, God-authored transformation, and then turn the miracle of that moment into a powerful witnessing tool. My Story for Christ focuses on Jesus and you - your story, together.
Warning: Use of this system
will rekindle your 1st love -
so be ready!
own it
The Good News is that it's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Your Personal Story has Value
"The most powerful story you know
of God's love, forgiveness and grace
is your own."
As a Christian, you have at least one moment in time when God intervened on your behalf " one moment when Heaven touched earth for you " and moved you from the Kingdom of Sin and Death to God's Kingdom of Forgiveness and Life. Sharing your story can become freedom for others.
"You have an experience
and a story that is
uniquely yours.
Who better to tell it than you?"
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
My Story for Christ is a two-part system...
* a user-friendly 74-page Workbook and
* a professional-looking, online, interactive Story Tract Template puts into your hands the ability to write, print and share your personal story of what God has done in your life as a personal story tract.
If you are one of the 98% who seldom witness, the My Story for Christ Witnessing System can help you get started making witnessing a part of your daily life.
If you are one of the 2% who are already witnessing regularly, your printed story tract lets you put something tangible into the hands of the people with whom you share, giving them something they can take home, mull over and share with their own circle of family and friends.
"Your story, their freedom"
Sharing your personal story of what God has done in your life:
* Gives hope to the hopeless when they read how you found a future and a hope through a relationship with Jesus Christ
* Gives instruction on how to receive Christ when they see how you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior
* Gives those who do not yet know Christ a window into the character of God through the help and grace He showed to you
* And assures others that God still loves them and has a plan for their life - no matter what their circumstances or situation
Most important of all, sharing your personal story of what God has done in your life:
* Glorifies God and honors Christs sacrifice on the Cross
* Fulfills God's Great Commission for each of us to Go out into all the world and preach the Good News to all Creation.
"You are not called to be an expert.
You are called to be a witness."
By definition, a witness is someone who gives a firsthand account of something they personally saw, heard or experienced; a testimony is their personal story of what happened.
God is not calling you to be an expert - of scripture, of theology, or of anything else. He is calling you to be a witness - to share with others your own firsthand account - your personal story - of the good things He has done for you. Simply put, witnessing is storytelling.
Let's take a minute to look at:
"Why personal stories work:
Facts tell, stories sell."
God is the Master Storyteller. Is it any surprise that His book is still today, the number-one best-seller of all time?
The Bible is filled with the personal stories of:
* Real-life people with
* Real-life problems,
* Seeking real-life help.
The fact that their real-life solutions came from a divine encounter with God has made their stories worth telling and re-telling. You see, the world is quite literally dying to hear real, honest-to-God stories from real, honest, people of God. The time has never been better for you to share your personal story of God's love and salvation.
Even in these crazy days, personal stories work because:
* Personal stories are interesting. They give the reader the opportunity to compare their life, their choices and their challenges to someone else's.
* Personal stories transcend differences of all kinds ? cultural, racial, age, gender, status and class.
* Personal stories can't be argued or debated. Unlike opinions, they are simply one person's eye-witness testimony of what happened to me.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
"Yes, but does God really want
to use my story?"
Anytime God shows up, its news; and every time He moves on behalf of His creation, it's a story worth telling.
You may be wondering, how could God use me and my personal story? ...because, to be honest, the 'before Christ' part of my life was pretty bad.
Well, I have news for you: regardless of what it looks like from the outside, the 'before Christ' part of everybody's life was pretty bad. That?s why we need a Savior, and that?s the reason for the Cross.
Remember, your personal story isn't just yours;
it's yours and Christ's.
"The reason the cross has value today is
because it was the vehicle of
God's salvation and grace."
Before Christ's crucifixion, the Cross was the symbol of ultimate shame. It was the mode of execution for the basest criminals of the land. God took what was once shameful and despised and turned it for His glory.
* When you allow God to use what was once a point of shame in your life for His glory, your past is redeemed.
* When you share your story of how God loved, forgave and restored you, you invite others to experience their own moment of forgiveness and grace.
Your personal story becomes a mirror that allows others to embrace their own guilt and shame and to help them realize they need a Savior.
Your example of how you received forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus Christ, gives others hope and instructions on how they too can experience God's forgiveness through the Cross. They are just waiting for someone to tell them how.
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God wants you to share Your Story with Others
Every Christian has a story, and every story has value because it is a living and true testimony of God?s gift of love and salvation. My Story for Christ offers you a two-part system that turns your story into a powerful witnessing tool.
* The My Story for Christ Workbook walks you through a simple, step-by-step process for turning your testimony into a powerful 1,000-word personal story tract specifically designed to speak to non-believers
* The online, interactive Story Tract Template allows you to turn your story into a professional-looking tri-fold tract that you can print at home, or take to a printer, and share with others
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
Combining skills with the appropriate tools is good, but?
"Skills + Tools + a System = Success!"
What makes My Story for Christ so special is that it is a system.
The My Story for Christ Workbook introduces you to both the skills and the tools you will need to write, print and share the personal story of God?s love, forgiveness and grace in your life.
But then we do something special; we take it a step further and place the skills and tools within the framework of a system that allows you to turn your personal story into a tri-fold witnessing tract that is:
* Attractive
* Professional-looking
* Reader-friendly
* Powerful
* And Effective
But don't stop with just one story. You can use your new story writing skills and the online interactive tract template again and again to create other stories about your personal experiences with God.
"Why I Love (Some) Tracts"
(Not All Tracts are Created Equal!)
Before I accepted Christ, the word of God didn't make much sense to me and so it wasn't something that I spent time reading or pondering. The Bible explains this, saying that to the world - to those without Christ - the word of God is foolishness. Scripture tracts have their place and their value, but they are often appreciated more by new believers than by those who have not yet made a decision for Christ. But a personal story, presented in an interesting, reader-friendly format - now that has possibilities!
10 Things that
My Personal Story Tract Can Do
that I Can't:
1. It can tell my story over and over and over and over...
2. It is always available - 24/7/365!
3. It can go home with a stranger.
4. It can be consistently articulate and concise.
5. It can travel the world without a passport or credit card.
6. It can touch the lives of people I might never meet.
7. It can squeeze itself into the odd-moments of a person's day.
8. It can keep on testifying without becoming discouraged by rejection.
9. It can never be misconstrued as threatening or as confrontational.
10. It can outlive me.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
P.S. Just so you know - personal story tracts aren't meant to replace talking with people. They do, however, make a great conversation-starter and are a wonderful way to continue your witness once you've said goodbye.
It sounds exciting, doesn?t it? But some of you are shaking your heads and thinking ~
"This would be great - if I were a writer."
One of the strengths of the My Story for Christ Witnessing System is that it takes you step-by-step through the writing process and allows you to become a master storyteller of your own personal experience with Christ.
The easy-to-follow instructions help you cut through the trap of religious jargon, or church-speak, and shows you how to speak directly to the heart of the non-believer.
This system is designed for everyone, regardless of your current writing skills or your computer savvy. The My Story for Christ Workbook takes the guessing out of what to write and removes the mystery of where to start. The important thing is for you to start - and finish - your story, get it printed and begin sharing it with others.
"Just some of the personal benefits
of owning
The My Story for Christ
Witnessing System."
When my husband and I sat down to write our own personal stories we drew up a list of some of the things we experienced from going through this process. Here are just some of the benefits we know you will experience when you write, print and share your own personal story with others.
"Enjoy these benefits."
* A revelation of God's take on failure and success
* A deeper personal understanding of God's redemptive power and grace in your life.
* Freedom from the past and the ability to view success, failure and forgiveness from God?s perspective
* A new mindset and an expanded understanding of just how much God loves you
* An explosion of boldness in your faith and your walk with God
* A deeper and more focused prayer life
* A sense of personal validation as you realize that your story is a gift that can be shared with others
* A new love and appreciation for the Bible when you see it as a collection of personal stories
* A deeper love and compassion for those without Christ
* Access to a vehicle for expressing the miracle of God?s grace in your life to a great number of people
* Skills that will allow you to write future experiences in a witnessing-tool format
* Empowerment for evangelism based on personal initiative and ownership of a workable plan of action
* A passion for productive, effective witnessing on a regular basis - 24/7/365!
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
It is not just you, the individual, who benefits from owning and using the My Story for Christ Witnessing System.
"The local church benefits, too, with..."
* Increased positive impact on your community
* Church growth through new believers, as story tracts instruct readers to call your church for follow-up and prayer
* Spiritual renewal, which always accompanies evangelism
* Church members becoming excited about witnessing
* Church members empowered to witness through ownership of their own personal story and a workable plan of action
* No extra burden on the church's evangelism budget as members pay for their own training and the printing of their own stories to share with others
* The ability to publish Church members' stories in a book form
* Generous Affiliate Benefits
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Now is the time to ~
Start Sharing
Your Personal Story Now
In the book of John, Jesus told His disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers, for the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. The Harvest has never been as ripe and as plentiful as it is now.
Take a moment to consider the power and the impact of putting a tangible witness into the hands of those around you. The My Story for Christ Witnessing System gives you the tools you need to write, print and share your personal story of what God has done in your life.
"God gives seed to the sower.
Your personal story is
seed in your hand."
Harvests don't happen without seed. That is why I am asking you to take an inventory of what you already have in your hand - your personal story of God's redemptive work in your own life.
"When you write, print and share
your personal story with others,
the Seed in your hand
creates a Harvest
for the Kingdom."
It is time to treat that God-given seed with the respect it deserves. Let me show you how writing, printing and sharing your personal salvation story using the My Story for Christ Witnessing System can help you do just that.
If you were to share your personal story tract with just?
* 2-people every day, in one year's time, you would have witnessed to 730-people
* 5-people a day touches the lives of 1,825-people
* 10-people a day over one single year - that's 3,650 people with whom you have shared your testimony
It gives you something to think about, doesn't it? It also gives the Holy Spirit something substantial with which to work.
"But there's something else to consider."
Because your story tract is a physical thing and not simply words-on-the-wind, just one of your personal story tracts has the potential to be read many multiples of times by many multiple numbers of people, all of whom need to hear and receive the message of God's love, forgiveness and salvation.
Your story of how God has saved you and set you free with the gift of His salvation can touch a city, a nation, the world with Revival!
Take a look at the absolutely amazing results that can come from one man with a hand-full of paper.
Frank Jenner: The Man from George Street
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
Mr. Jenner's name was known in Heaven. My prayer for you is that your name would be known and celebrated as well.
"If church growth, up to now
was the result of
just 2% of the Body of Christ
actively witnessing,
just imagine what
your neighborhood, your city,
your world
will look like when
the other 98% of the Body of Christ
is equipped and mobilized
to share their faith
on a regular basis."
So let me ask you again ~
"What would it take to get you to start witnessing on a daily basis?"
How will you choose to fit into the equation? The My Story for Christ Witnessing System empowers and equips you to make witnessing part of your daily life. We've taken care of the 'equipping' part; the rest is in your hands. So, what will it be?
"There really are only two choices:
Will you be Challenged or will you be Changed?"
Will you be Challenged by the idea of planting the seed of the Gospel into the hearts, minds and lives of a lost and dying world? Or will you be changed by the challenge? There's a difference.
* 'Challenged' means that you call your friends and maybe your pastor, and tell them to take a look at a cool new website
* 'Changed' means that you take your testimony of that moment in time when Heaven touched earth in your own life, and turn it into a powerful witnessing tool by writing, printing and sharing your personal salvation story with others
The choice is yours; it is up to you. Change begins with you.
If you are ready to be mobilized, to start sowing the seeds of Revival into your world, begin by owning The My Story for Christ Witnessing System. Then download the My Story for Christ Workbook and start writing today to become part of a new movement that will touch the world with the love of Christ.
By ordering the My Story For Christ system you are agreeing to the following:
"Terms & Conditions"
1. I understand that my use of the story tract template is for the intended purposes only; which is, for printing and sharing my personal story for Christ with others. I understand that the template is not to be used to solicit business opportunities or to create a product to be sold or resold to a third party.
2. I understand that Absolutely Amazing Seminars, LLC takes no responsibility or liability for any undesired or unanticipated outcomes from my writing, printing and sharing my personal story with others.
3. I understand that the e-book I am purchasing is in a pdf format, and that I will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader software on my computer to download, read and print The My Story for Christ Workbook. (Visit to download Adobe Acrobat Reader at no charge.)
4. I understand that the My Story for Christ Tract Template requires MS Word to download with the proper formatting intact. (Visit to either purchase MS Word or to enjoy a free 60-day trial download.)
5. Our refund policy is 60 days from date of purchase.
6. I understand that my copy of The My Story for Christ Workbook and the My Story for Christ Tract Template cannot be copied (other than for my personal use) or "loaned" to others due to copyright laws.
By clicking the order button below signifies that you agree with these terms and conditions.
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Once you pay you will be lead to a Thank You page where you may immediately download your copy of the My Story For Christ ebook and tract templates.
For those of you who are ready to take up the challenge and start changing your world for Christ, we are committed to support and serve you.
The My Story for Christ website will make available to you:
* Online archived blogs to answer your questions and to offer support as you write, print and share your personal story tracts
* Online samples and examples to help you write - and finish - your personal story tract and to get it printed
* Interactive blogs that address creative ways to share your personal story tracts with others
* Future materials to further assist you in writing, printing and sharing additional personal stories
* An online venue that allows you to post and share your personal story with other Christians around the world
Now go get started!
"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony."
Rev. 12:11
You can contact Corrine Le'au at:
You can contact Sosene Le'au at:
For troubleshooting needs, contact our administrative department at:
Or you can write us at:
Absolutely Amazing Seminars, LLC
216 Purple Passion Avenue
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
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Let me ask you a question: "How important is sharing your faith in God to you?"
On a scale of 1-to-10, is witnessing an all-important "10", or a not-very-important "2"?
You're probably sitting there alone at your computer, so go ahead and be honest.
Ask yourself, what's holding me back? And more important, "What would it take for me to start witnessing on a daily basis?"
I asked myself the same questions, starting with why I wasn't witnessing the way I felt I should. In a fit of honesty, I came up with some answers. Check out my list:
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
"Corrine's Checklist -
Why I Didn't Witness"
I was afraid that I won't say the right thing
I was sure that I'd freeze-up or say something dumb when I was with a real, live person
I felt certain that that even if I did remember the scriptures/ the steps/the script, it wouldn't be enough
In the back of my mind were the thoughts that:
Since I'm so very (very!) far from perfect, God would never be able to use me
I needed more specialized training in evangelism
And the one I seemed to fall back on the most:
What gave me the right to intrude on a stranger's/neighbor's/ loved one?s time with unsolicited answers to questions they had never asked me?
It's not just me. A lot of people feel the same way. Check this out -
Eight Reasons Why I Don't Share My Faith
Any of that sound familiar? I wouldn't be surprised if it does. A lot of us are in the same boat.
In his book The Coming Revival, Campus Crusade for Christ founder Bill Bright wrote that only 2% (2%!) of Christians in America share their faith regularly. That means that 98% of us are remaining silent. So let me ask you now,
"Are you one of the 2% Christians
or are you one of the 98%ers?"
Where ever you are on the spectrum, I either envy you or I know exactly how you feel. Let me briefly share with you a bit of my own journey. Tell me if it sounds familiar...
I spent most of my Christian life wishing I were one of the 2%ers, but in truth, I was one of the 98%. I wanted to witness but I was just so bad at it! I needed help and I knew it. So I prayed, I researched, and I prayed some more.
It took me a while to figure out that the reason the training courses, the scripts and the memorization programs didn't work for me was because it wasn't me. I was pouring my heart and soul into telling someone else?s story, using someone else's words, and I was bombing out!
Now, please don?t think for one minute that I don?t appreciate the value of
* witnessing scripts,
* scripture memorization methods, and
* specialized evangelism training programs.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
I do! All this stuff is great - I know because I did most of it. If it works for you, keep it up! My problem was that even though I had the tools at hand, I still wasn't getting out there and witnessing the way I should. Try-as-I-might, I was never able to master the methods or the materials in a way that helped me feel confident enough to make witnessing part of my daily life.
It took me some time, but I came up with something that works for me and I know it will work for you, too!
"I found something that works!"
Regardless of your age or experience, whether you?ve been a Christian for 5-minutes or for 50-years, the My Story for Christ Witnessing System is designed to empower and equip the 2%ers and 98%ers alike to effectively share their faith on a daily basis.
The My Story for Christ Witnessing System allows you to share your faith in Christ with others while you are...
* standing in line at the market, the bank, the dry cleaners
* with waiters and waitresses in restaurants
* with other passengers on planes, trains, and buses
* and anywhere else!
You will be able to witness multiple times every single day to the people around you, wherever you might be. How great is that?
This system works for all types of people. Whether you're outgoing or shy, a full-time Evangelist or you work in a factory, we all have one thing in common ? our relationship with Jesus Christ.
It's that relationship experience that the My Story for Christ system capitalizes on and what makes our system so different from traditional witnessing programs. Instead of asking you to:
* practice long scripts before you can talk to anyone,
* memorize more scripture before you can share your faith, or
* attend specialized and lengthy evangelistic training courses,
... the My Story for Christ Witnessing System helps you recapture the power and awe of that one, absolutely amazing moment of profound, God-authored transformation, and then turn the miracle of that moment into a powerful witnessing tool. My Story for Christ focuses on Jesus and you - your story, together.
Warning: Use of this system
will rekindle your 1st love -
so be ready!
own it
The Good News is that it's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Your Personal Story has Value
"The most powerful story you know
of God's love, forgiveness and grace
is your own."
As a Christian, you have at least one moment in time when God intervened on your behalf " one moment when Heaven touched earth for you " and moved you from the Kingdom of Sin and Death to God's Kingdom of Forgiveness and Life. Sharing your story can become freedom for others.
"You have an experience
and a story that is
uniquely yours.
Who better to tell it than you?"
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
My Story for Christ is a two-part system...
* a user-friendly 74-page Workbook and
* a professional-looking, online, interactive Story Tract Template puts into your hands the ability to write, print and share your personal story of what God has done in your life as a personal story tract.
If you are one of the 98% who seldom witness, the My Story for Christ Witnessing System can help you get started making witnessing a part of your daily life.
If you are one of the 2% who are already witnessing regularly, your printed story tract lets you put something tangible into the hands of the people with whom you share, giving them something they can take home, mull over and share with their own circle of family and friends.
"Your story, their freedom"
Sharing your personal story of what God has done in your life:
* Gives hope to the hopeless when they read how you found a future and a hope through a relationship with Jesus Christ
* Gives instruction on how to receive Christ when they see how you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior
* Gives those who do not yet know Christ a window into the character of God through the help and grace He showed to you
* And assures others that God still loves them and has a plan for their life - no matter what their circumstances or situation
Most important of all, sharing your personal story of what God has done in your life:
* Glorifies God and honors Christs sacrifice on the Cross
* Fulfills God's Great Commission for each of us to Go out into all the world and preach the Good News to all Creation.
"You are not called to be an expert.
You are called to be a witness."
By definition, a witness is someone who gives a firsthand account of something they personally saw, heard or experienced; a testimony is their personal story of what happened.
God is not calling you to be an expert - of scripture, of theology, or of anything else. He is calling you to be a witness - to share with others your own firsthand account - your personal story - of the good things He has done for you. Simply put, witnessing is storytelling.
Let's take a minute to look at:
"Why personal stories work:
Facts tell, stories sell."
God is the Master Storyteller. Is it any surprise that His book is still today, the number-one best-seller of all time?
The Bible is filled with the personal stories of:
* Real-life people with
* Real-life problems,
* Seeking real-life help.
The fact that their real-life solutions came from a divine encounter with God has made their stories worth telling and re-telling. You see, the world is quite literally dying to hear real, honest-to-God stories from real, honest, people of God. The time has never been better for you to share your personal story of God's love and salvation.
Even in these crazy days, personal stories work because:
* Personal stories are interesting. They give the reader the opportunity to compare their life, their choices and their challenges to someone else's.
* Personal stories transcend differences of all kinds ? cultural, racial, age, gender, status and class.
* Personal stories can't be argued or debated. Unlike opinions, they are simply one person's eye-witness testimony of what happened to me.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
"Yes, but does God really want
to use my story?"
Anytime God shows up, its news; and every time He moves on behalf of His creation, it's a story worth telling.
You may be wondering, how could God use me and my personal story? ...because, to be honest, the 'before Christ' part of my life was pretty bad.
Well, I have news for you: regardless of what it looks like from the outside, the 'before Christ' part of everybody's life was pretty bad. That?s why we need a Savior, and that?s the reason for the Cross.
Remember, your personal story isn't just yours;
it's yours and Christ's.
"The reason the cross has value today is
because it was the vehicle of
God's salvation and grace."
Before Christ's crucifixion, the Cross was the symbol of ultimate shame. It was the mode of execution for the basest criminals of the land. God took what was once shameful and despised and turned it for His glory.
* When you allow God to use what was once a point of shame in your life for His glory, your past is redeemed.
* When you share your story of how God loved, forgave and restored you, you invite others to experience their own moment of forgiveness and grace.
Your personal story becomes a mirror that allows others to embrace their own guilt and shame and to help them realize they need a Savior.
Your example of how you received forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus Christ, gives others hope and instructions on how they too can experience God's forgiveness through the Cross. They are just waiting for someone to tell them how.
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God wants you to share Your Story with Others
Every Christian has a story, and every story has value because it is a living and true testimony of God?s gift of love and salvation. My Story for Christ offers you a two-part system that turns your story into a powerful witnessing tool.
* The My Story for Christ Workbook walks you through a simple, step-by-step process for turning your testimony into a powerful 1,000-word personal story tract specifically designed to speak to non-believers
* The online, interactive Story Tract Template allows you to turn your story into a professional-looking tri-fold tract that you can print at home, or take to a printer, and share with others
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
Combining skills with the appropriate tools is good, but?
"Skills + Tools + a System = Success!"
What makes My Story for Christ so special is that it is a system.
The My Story for Christ Workbook introduces you to both the skills and the tools you will need to write, print and share the personal story of God?s love, forgiveness and grace in your life.
But then we do something special; we take it a step further and place the skills and tools within the framework of a system that allows you to turn your personal story into a tri-fold witnessing tract that is:
* Attractive
* Professional-looking
* Reader-friendly
* Powerful
* And Effective
But don't stop with just one story. You can use your new story writing skills and the online interactive tract template again and again to create other stories about your personal experiences with God.
"Why I Love (Some) Tracts"
(Not All Tracts are Created Equal!)
Before I accepted Christ, the word of God didn't make much sense to me and so it wasn't something that I spent time reading or pondering. The Bible explains this, saying that to the world - to those without Christ - the word of God is foolishness. Scripture tracts have their place and their value, but they are often appreciated more by new believers than by those who have not yet made a decision for Christ. But a personal story, presented in an interesting, reader-friendly format - now that has possibilities!
10 Things that
My Personal Story Tract Can Do
that I Can't:
1. It can tell my story over and over and over and over...
2. It is always available - 24/7/365!
3. It can go home with a stranger.
4. It can be consistently articulate and concise.
5. It can travel the world without a passport or credit card.
6. It can touch the lives of people I might never meet.
7. It can squeeze itself into the odd-moments of a person's day.
8. It can keep on testifying without becoming discouraged by rejection.
9. It can never be misconstrued as threatening or as confrontational.
10. It can outlive me.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
P.S. Just so you know - personal story tracts aren't meant to replace talking with people. They do, however, make a great conversation-starter and are a wonderful way to continue your witness once you've said goodbye.
It sounds exciting, doesn?t it? But some of you are shaking your heads and thinking ~
"This would be great - if I were a writer."
One of the strengths of the My Story for Christ Witnessing System is that it takes you step-by-step through the writing process and allows you to become a master storyteller of your own personal experience with Christ.
The easy-to-follow instructions help you cut through the trap of religious jargon, or church-speak, and shows you how to speak directly to the heart of the non-believer.
This system is designed for everyone, regardless of your current writing skills or your computer savvy. The My Story for Christ Workbook takes the guessing out of what to write and removes the mystery of where to start. The important thing is for you to start - and finish - your story, get it printed and begin sharing it with others.
"Just some of the personal benefits
of owning
The My Story for Christ
Witnessing System."
When my husband and I sat down to write our own personal stories we drew up a list of some of the things we experienced from going through this process. Here are just some of the benefits we know you will experience when you write, print and share your own personal story with others.
"Enjoy these benefits."
* A revelation of God's take on failure and success
* A deeper personal understanding of God's redemptive power and grace in your life.
* Freedom from the past and the ability to view success, failure and forgiveness from God?s perspective
* A new mindset and an expanded understanding of just how much God loves you
* An explosion of boldness in your faith and your walk with God
* A deeper and more focused prayer life
* A sense of personal validation as you realize that your story is a gift that can be shared with others
* A new love and appreciation for the Bible when you see it as a collection of personal stories
* A deeper love and compassion for those without Christ
* Access to a vehicle for expressing the miracle of God?s grace in your life to a great number of people
* Skills that will allow you to write future experiences in a witnessing-tool format
* Empowerment for evangelism based on personal initiative and ownership of a workable plan of action
* A passion for productive, effective witnessing on a regular basis - 24/7/365!
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
It is not just you, the individual, who benefits from owning and using the My Story for Christ Witnessing System.
"The local church benefits, too, with..."
* Increased positive impact on your community
* Church growth through new believers, as story tracts instruct readers to call your church for follow-up and prayer
* Spiritual renewal, which always accompanies evangelism
* Church members becoming excited about witnessing
* Church members empowered to witness through ownership of their own personal story and a workable plan of action
* No extra burden on the church's evangelism budget as members pay for their own training and the printing of their own stories to share with others
* The ability to publish Church members' stories in a book form
* Generous Affiliate Benefits
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Now is the time to ~
Start Sharing
Your Personal Story Now
In the book of John, Jesus told His disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers, for the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. The Harvest has never been as ripe and as plentiful as it is now.
Take a moment to consider the power and the impact of putting a tangible witness into the hands of those around you. The My Story for Christ Witnessing System gives you the tools you need to write, print and share your personal story of what God has done in your life.
"God gives seed to the sower.
Your personal story is
seed in your hand."
Harvests don't happen without seed. That is why I am asking you to take an inventory of what you already have in your hand - your personal story of God's redemptive work in your own life.
"When you write, print and share
your personal story with others,
the Seed in your hand
creates a Harvest
for the Kingdom."
It is time to treat that God-given seed with the respect it deserves. Let me show you how writing, printing and sharing your personal salvation story using the My Story for Christ Witnessing System can help you do just that.
If you were to share your personal story tract with just?
* 2-people every day, in one year's time, you would have witnessed to 730-people
* 5-people a day touches the lives of 1,825-people
* 10-people a day over one single year - that's 3,650 people with whom you have shared your testimony
It gives you something to think about, doesn't it? It also gives the Holy Spirit something substantial with which to work.
"But there's something else to consider."
Because your story tract is a physical thing and not simply words-on-the-wind, just one of your personal story tracts has the potential to be read many multiples of times by many multiple numbers of people, all of whom need to hear and receive the message of God's love, forgiveness and salvation.
Your story of how God has saved you and set you free with the gift of His salvation can touch a city, a nation, the world with Revival!
Take a look at the absolutely amazing results that can come from one man with a hand-full of paper.
Frank Jenner: The Man from George Street
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
Mr. Jenner's name was known in Heaven. My prayer for you is that your name would be known and celebrated as well.
"If church growth, up to now
was the result of
just 2% of the Body of Christ
actively witnessing,
just imagine what
your neighborhood, your city,
your world
will look like when
the other 98% of the Body of Christ
is equipped and mobilized
to share their faith
on a regular basis."
So let me ask you again ~
"What would it take to get you to start witnessing on a daily basis?"
How will you choose to fit into the equation? The My Story for Christ Witnessing System empowers and equips you to make witnessing part of your daily life. We've taken care of the 'equipping' part; the rest is in your hands. So, what will it be?
"There really are only two choices:
Will you be Challenged or will you be Changed?"
Will you be Challenged by the idea of planting the seed of the Gospel into the hearts, minds and lives of a lost and dying world? Or will you be changed by the challenge? There's a difference.
* 'Challenged' means that you call your friends and maybe your pastor, and tell them to take a look at a cool new website
* 'Changed' means that you take your testimony of that moment in time when Heaven touched earth in your own life, and turn it into a powerful witnessing tool by writing, printing and sharing your personal salvation story with others
The choice is yours; it is up to you. Change begins with you.
If you are ready to be mobilized, to start sowing the seeds of Revival into your world, begin by owning The My Story for Christ Witnessing System. Then download the My Story for Christ Workbook and start writing today to become part of a new movement that will touch the world with the love of Christ.
By ordering the My Story For Christ system you are agreeing to the following:
"Terms & Conditions"
1. I understand that my use of the story tract template is for the intended purposes only; which is, for printing and sharing my personal story for Christ with others. I understand that the template is not to be used to solicit business opportunities or to create a product to be sold or resold to a third party.
2. I understand that Absolutely Amazing Seminars, LLC takes no responsibility or liability for any undesired or unanticipated outcomes from my writing, printing and sharing my personal story with others.
3. I understand that the e-book I am purchasing is in a pdf format, and that I will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader software on my computer to download, read and print The My Story for Christ Workbook. (Visit to download Adobe Acrobat Reader at no charge.)
4. I understand that the My Story for Christ Tract Template requires MS Word to download with the proper formatting intact. (Visit to either purchase MS Word or to enjoy a free 60-day trial download.)
5. Our refund policy is 60 days from date of purchase.
6. I understand that my copy of The My Story for Christ Workbook and the My Story for Christ Tract Template cannot be copied (other than for my personal use) or "loaned" to others due to copyright laws.
By clicking the order button below signifies that you agree with these terms and conditions.
own it
Once you pay you will be lead to a Thank You page where you may immediately download your copy of the My Story For Christ ebook and tract templates.
For those of you who are ready to take up the challenge and start changing your world for Christ, we are committed to support and serve you.
The My Story for Christ website will make available to you:
* Online archived blogs to answer your questions and to offer support as you write, print and share your personal story tracts
* Online samples and examples to help you write - and finish - your personal story tract and to get it printed
* Interactive blogs that address creative ways to share your personal story tracts with others
* Future materials to further assist you in writing, printing and sharing additional personal stories
* An online venue that allows you to post and share your personal story with other Christians around the world
Now go get started!
"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony."
Rev. 12:11
You can contact Corrine Le'au at:
You can contact Sosene Le'au at:
For troubleshooting needs, contact our administrative department at:
Or you can write us at:
Absolutely Amazing Seminars, LLC
216 Purple Passion Avenue
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
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Business Credit Bible
Do You Want To Establish $50K-$250K In Cash Credit Without using Personal Credit?
Do you want to acquire $16,000 in Business Credit within 6 weeks without any use of your personal credit?
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My name is Marc Augustine and I have personally established more than $5 million dollars in business credit for myself and my clients. I have been blogging about my experience doing this on a part time basis for more than a year with my business credit blog. You can visit my blog at I have finally developed this complete guide to business credit in response to many of my clients and readers looking for a cheaper alternative to getting my personal coaching.
Building Business Credit is not rocket science, as many of the "Gurus" will like you to believe. It is simply a process and you need to know the process and a couple of small tricks; that only come from experience; in order to make things happen and make it happen quickly.
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
The Business Credit Bible starts off with the basics and covers everything from setting up your company correctly, to acquiring Multiple $50,000 lines of credit. You will also be able to lease or buy a car under your business name within as little as 5 months with little to no money down. This is all done without the use of your personal credit.
I will not bore you with a lot of drivel. Here is what is inside this book:
The basics on Business Credit
Get Corporate Credit Cards without your personal name attached to it.
Buy or lease Cars and Trucks with a 5 month old corporation and no personal credit.
Establish $50,000-$250,000 of Cash Credit with No Use of your Personal Credit
Step-by-step instructions for setting up your corporation or LLC.
A step-by-step guide to build business credit from scratch
How to get a good PAYDEX score with a brand new corporation.
How to get Shelf corporations that are 3+ years old for as little as $300.
List of vendors offering business credit without using your personal credit.
Learn to build business credit reports so you can obtain cash lines of credit
Build Business Credit To Start a Corporation
....and Much More!!
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
Get an 80 Paydex in 30 days or less.
Establish Multiple Corporations in order to have more leverage.
DO NOT PAY $2000+ for the same information that is in this book.
We offer a 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee.
If u have any questions you can contact me at: by sending me an email
Money Back Guarantee - Purchase the ebook at no risk. We offer a 60 day money back, no questions ask guarantee.
You also get a Bonus. A FREE monthly newsletter with continuous updates on various changes in the business credit arena.
We will be adding more lenders to the list covered in the book and this is covered in the FREE Newsletter that comes with the purchase of this book.
Why Buy the Business Credit Bible?
1. It is a no-nonsense guide to building business credit(the words of a client)
2. Accessibility. Call me if you have any concerns before and after buying the ebook. My number is 305-600-3375. You won't get this kind of access anywhere else. If you do not get me right away, leave a message, I will call you back.
3. There is no better time to build business credit.
Customers Testimonials
Marc has been my personal business credit coach for the past year. He has helped me establish $123,000 of cash credit and over $200,000 or vendor credit all without using my personal credit. Before I started working with him I had horrible personal credit and limited working capital. Now my business can expand as needed. It is great that Marc has put together a product at such an affordeable price.
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
Jeromy Greene
CEO, Trinity Staffing LLC
I know Marc as "Mike" from his blog. He has been of tremendous help to me. In the summer of 2008 he got me a little more than $150,000 of lines of credit for my business. We used a combination of my personal credit and my business credit but he explained that it was necessary that we do it this way because I needed the cash within 30 days. The knowledge that he has is all you will ever need for your business financing needs.
Julio Alvarez
Owner, A1A Roofing Inc
Limited time Special $79
For only Two weeks after it will be $149.
!!!!GET IT NOW!!!!
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Once you Order you will have Instant Access to our Ebook for you To Download to your Computer
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
Do you want to acquire $16,000 in Business Credit within 6 weeks without any use of your personal credit?
Click Image For Full Story!

My name is Marc Augustine and I have personally established more than $5 million dollars in business credit for myself and my clients. I have been blogging about my experience doing this on a part time basis for more than a year with my business credit blog. You can visit my blog at I have finally developed this complete guide to business credit in response to many of my clients and readers looking for a cheaper alternative to getting my personal coaching.
Building Business Credit is not rocket science, as many of the "Gurus" will like you to believe. It is simply a process and you need to know the process and a couple of small tricks; that only come from experience; in order to make things happen and make it happen quickly.
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
The Business Credit Bible starts off with the basics and covers everything from setting up your company correctly, to acquiring Multiple $50,000 lines of credit. You will also be able to lease or buy a car under your business name within as little as 5 months with little to no money down. This is all done without the use of your personal credit.
I will not bore you with a lot of drivel. Here is what is inside this book:
The basics on Business Credit
Get Corporate Credit Cards without your personal name attached to it.
Buy or lease Cars and Trucks with a 5 month old corporation and no personal credit.
Establish $50,000-$250,000 of Cash Credit with No Use of your Personal Credit
Step-by-step instructions for setting up your corporation or LLC.
A step-by-step guide to build business credit from scratch
How to get a good PAYDEX score with a brand new corporation.
How to get Shelf corporations that are 3+ years old for as little as $300.
List of vendors offering business credit without using your personal credit.
Learn to build business credit reports so you can obtain cash lines of credit
Build Business Credit To Start a Corporation
....and Much More!!
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
Get an 80 Paydex in 30 days or less.
Establish Multiple Corporations in order to have more leverage.
DO NOT PAY $2000+ for the same information that is in this book.
We offer a 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee.
If u have any questions you can contact me at: by sending me an email
Money Back Guarantee - Purchase the ebook at no risk. We offer a 60 day money back, no questions ask guarantee.
You also get a Bonus. A FREE monthly newsletter with continuous updates on various changes in the business credit arena.
We will be adding more lenders to the list covered in the book and this is covered in the FREE Newsletter that comes with the purchase of this book.
Why Buy the Business Credit Bible?
1. It is a no-nonsense guide to building business credit(the words of a client)
2. Accessibility. Call me if you have any concerns before and after buying the ebook. My number is 305-600-3375. You won't get this kind of access anywhere else. If you do not get me right away, leave a message, I will call you back.
3. There is no better time to build business credit.
Customers Testimonials
Marc has been my personal business credit coach for the past year. He has helped me establish $123,000 of cash credit and over $200,000 or vendor credit all without using my personal credit. Before I started working with him I had horrible personal credit and limited working capital. Now my business can expand as needed. It is great that Marc has put together a product at such an affordeable price.
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
Jeromy Greene
CEO, Trinity Staffing LLC
I know Marc as "Mike" from his blog. He has been of tremendous help to me. In the summer of 2008 he got me a little more than $150,000 of lines of credit for my business. We used a combination of my personal credit and my business credit but he explained that it was necessary that we do it this way because I needed the cash within 30 days. The knowledge that he has is all you will ever need for your business financing needs.
Julio Alvarez
Owner, A1A Roofing Inc
Limited time Special $79
For only Two weeks after it will be $149.
!!!!GET IT NOW!!!!
Click Image For Full Story!

Once you Order you will have Instant Access to our Ebook for you To Download to your Computer
Business Credit Bible
Click Here For Full Story!
Monday, 6 April 2009
Bible Lessons And Sermons
The Spring Savings Sale Special Is Over. But You Can Order Below For Now!
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"Below You'll Find a Spring Savings Sale Special That Is Such A NO-BRAINER, You'll Do A Double-Take To Make Sure You're Reading It Correctly."
Bible Lessons And Sermons
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Don't Wait On This Brain-Dead-Easy-Decision Spring Savings Sale Special. Claim Your Easy-To-Follow, Simply Laid Out Outlines, Handouts, PowerPoint Slides, and Discussion Guides! A GREAT Resource For Sermon Ideas Too!
Dear Teacher, Preacher, or otherwise Lover of God:
Today is a special day. Yes! Spring is right upon us. And yes! So is St. Patrick's Day. And, even though we're calling this a "Spring Savings Sale Special", we're not doing this because it's Spring. And we're not doing it because it's St. Patrick's Day this week... even though you'll feel extremely lucky when you find out what's below. We are choosing to create this crazy "Spring Savings Sale Special" offer out of... well... it's really more like an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
"What Do We Mean And Why Do We Want To Experiment?"
Great question! And I'd be asking myself that very question if I were in your shoes as well. And the answer is, "It's simple really." There are several reasons. We chose to perform this experiment because:
#1 Reason: To see if this will serve you better, as a non-member of PowerPoint Bible Lessons
#2 Reason: We're not sure if you've heard about this, but there seems to be an economic crisis in America today. And maybe, this way, we can help out by trying to do our part by generating some currency circulation in this economy. Not sure if this will cure the crisis, but we thought it was a nice thought. :-)
#3 Reason: Okay. This has more to do with us. But it's still a reason. And YOU are the beneficiary of this circumstance. So we're not going to hide it. We need the business. To sell these lessons at this low price doesn't even hardly cover the cost it takes to create them. But, if we can sell enough to just cover the cost, it will be worth it to get them to you at this deep discount - and in this economy.
But we're not going to leave it up for long. It's only a Spring Savings Sale Special. And we've agreed to bite the bullet for this long, just to see the results of the experiment.
This Is Where You Benefit!
From here, we're going to let you view what's below and decide - hopefully in the affirmative - whether this ridiculous special is for you.
We can tell you this, if you were to join PowerPoint Bible Lessons, you would get all these lessons AND much more for even less of a cost. We hear you already. You're wondering "How?" since this special is questionably even covering the cost to have these created.
Another great questions!
You see, when more people sign up for our monthly service, we are able to charge a much lower price, because there are a LOT more people to spread the cost around. That's a great way to save AND a great way receive even MORE resources for your ministry each month! Our members are loyal and - yes... even most of them like us! ;-)
But for now, take a look below, and try these lessons. If you like what you see, this is a very good representation of what's inside the members' area. So once you've decided that you DO like these lessons, come over and join the membership. We'd love to have you as a member!
Also, we urge you to NOT procrastinate if you even think you may want to grab these lessons.
Go ahead and take a look below now. You will be pleased.
Bible Lessons And Sermons
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Unsolicited Testimonial:
Hi brothers in the Lord,
Thanks for sharing your uplifting words. Your ministry is a real blessing too.
In His service,
Ray Montesino
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EIGHT! Practical, Applicable & Now Available Lessons on LESSONS FROM PARABLES.
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 1
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Unforgiving Servant:
* A Merciful King
* The Grateful Heart
* Deep Calls
* Results of an Unforgiving Heart
* ... much MORE!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 2
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
Laborers In The Vineyard:
* A Generous Landowner
* The Response
* The NonConformist Kingdom
* A New Way To Life
* ... so much more!
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 3
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
Wise & Foolish Virgins:
* He Is Coming!
* How To Be Ready
* How To Prepare Yourself...
* Ready & Waiting
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 4
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Unprofitable Servant:
* ______ With His Propert.
* One servant ________ it.
* One servant ________ it.
* One servant heard ______ & _______ !
* ... discover MORE about the wicked & lazy AND the Unprofitable Servant.
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 5
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Sower:
* "Along The Path"
* "On The Rocks"
* "Among The Thorns"
* "On Good Soil"
* How To Be the Fertile Soil
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 6
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Good Samaritan:
* "A Man In Need"
* Ignored By The ______ People.
* How to Be The Samaritan Neighbor
* Discover How To Walk In Mercy
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 7
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Prodigal Son:
* The "Story" of the Younger Son
* The "Story" of the Older Son
* The Story Behind The Loving Father
* How To Turn Our Hearts Back To The Loving Father
* ... much more
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 8
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Persistent Widow:
* "The Illustrator"
* The Reality of the Situation
* When Jesus Returns What Will We Be Doing?
* Never, Ever, Ever, Ever Give Up!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson Series Background Slides For EACH Lesson
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
Immediately Download Your Lessons & Slides Now:
Just Click The Link Below To Purchase and Immediately
Download Your Lessons To Your Computer.
Unsolicited Testimonial:
Hi there,
"... I am encouraged and blessed with your ministry."
Ptr. Jojo P. Espulgar
If you don't like - which we're confident won't happen - simply email us and let us know and we'll refund you as soon as we get your email.
Click The BIG ORANGE Button To Instantly Download Your Lessons For ONLY...
ONLY $37...
Mark & Paul
P.S. If you think you may want this lesson series, do NOT wait. This UNHEARD of discount WILL BE GOING AWAY when we've sold our limit for this offer.
Unsolicited Testimonial:
This evening our men's group studied specific lessons inside the membership site and it ended up that all the guys made a vow to be firm in our
commitment in our walk with the Lord and hold one another accountable for each other.
Thank you for a great lesson!
God Bless
Norbert Kursten
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"Below You'll Find a Spring Savings Sale Special That Is Such A NO-BRAINER, You'll Do A Double-Take To Make Sure You're Reading It Correctly."
Bible Lessons And Sermons
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Don't Wait On This Brain-Dead-Easy-Decision Spring Savings Sale Special. Claim Your Easy-To-Follow, Simply Laid Out Outlines, Handouts, PowerPoint Slides, and Discussion Guides! A GREAT Resource For Sermon Ideas Too!
Dear Teacher, Preacher, or otherwise Lover of God:
Today is a special day. Yes! Spring is right upon us. And yes! So is St. Patrick's Day. And, even though we're calling this a "Spring Savings Sale Special", we're not doing this because it's Spring. And we're not doing it because it's St. Patrick's Day this week... even though you'll feel extremely lucky when you find out what's below. We are choosing to create this crazy "Spring Savings Sale Special" offer out of... well... it's really more like an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
"What Do We Mean And Why Do We Want To Experiment?"
Great question! And I'd be asking myself that very question if I were in your shoes as well. And the answer is, "It's simple really." There are several reasons. We chose to perform this experiment because:
#1 Reason: To see if this will serve you better, as a non-member of PowerPoint Bible Lessons
#2 Reason: We're not sure if you've heard about this, but there seems to be an economic crisis in America today. And maybe, this way, we can help out by trying to do our part by generating some currency circulation in this economy. Not sure if this will cure the crisis, but we thought it was a nice thought. :-)
#3 Reason: Okay. This has more to do with us. But it's still a reason. And YOU are the beneficiary of this circumstance. So we're not going to hide it. We need the business. To sell these lessons at this low price doesn't even hardly cover the cost it takes to create them. But, if we can sell enough to just cover the cost, it will be worth it to get them to you at this deep discount - and in this economy.
But we're not going to leave it up for long. It's only a Spring Savings Sale Special. And we've agreed to bite the bullet for this long, just to see the results of the experiment.
This Is Where You Benefit!
From here, we're going to let you view what's below and decide - hopefully in the affirmative - whether this ridiculous special is for you.
We can tell you this, if you were to join PowerPoint Bible Lessons, you would get all these lessons AND much more for even less of a cost. We hear you already. You're wondering "How?" since this special is questionably even covering the cost to have these created.
Another great questions!
You see, when more people sign up for our monthly service, we are able to charge a much lower price, because there are a LOT more people to spread the cost around. That's a great way to save AND a great way receive even MORE resources for your ministry each month! Our members are loyal and - yes... even most of them like us! ;-)
But for now, take a look below, and try these lessons. If you like what you see, this is a very good representation of what's inside the members' area. So once you've decided that you DO like these lessons, come over and join the membership. We'd love to have you as a member!
Also, we urge you to NOT procrastinate if you even think you may want to grab these lessons.
Go ahead and take a look below now. You will be pleased.
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
Unsolicited Testimonial:
Hi brothers in the Lord,
Thanks for sharing your uplifting words. Your ministry is a real blessing too.
In His service,
Ray Montesino
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EIGHT! Practical, Applicable & Now Available Lessons on LESSONS FROM PARABLES.
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 1
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Unforgiving Servant:
* A Merciful King
* The Grateful Heart
* Deep Calls
* Results of an Unforgiving Heart
* ... much MORE!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 2
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
Laborers In The Vineyard:
* A Generous Landowner
* The Response
* The NonConformist Kingdom
* A New Way To Life
* ... so much more!
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 3
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
Wise & Foolish Virgins:
* He Is Coming!
* How To Be Ready
* How To Prepare Yourself...
* Ready & Waiting
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 4
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Unprofitable Servant:
* ______ With His Propert.
* One servant ________ it.
* One servant ________ it.
* One servant heard ______ & _______ !
* ... discover MORE about the wicked & lazy AND the Unprofitable Servant.
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 5
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Sower:
* "Along The Path"
* "On The Rocks"
* "Among The Thorns"
* "On Good Soil"
* How To Be the Fertile Soil
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 6
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Good Samaritan:
* "A Man In Need"
* Ignored By The ______ People.
* How to Be The Samaritan Neighbor
* Discover How To Walk In Mercy
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 7
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Prodigal Son:
* The "Story" of the Younger Son
* The "Story" of the Older Son
* The Story Behind The Loving Father
* How To Turn Our Hearts Back To The Loving Father
* ... much more
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 8
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Persistent Widow:
* "The Illustrator"
* The Reality of the Situation
* When Jesus Returns What Will We Be Doing?
* Never, Ever, Ever, Ever Give Up!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson Series Background Slides For EACH Lesson
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
Immediately Download Your Lessons & Slides Now:
Just Click The Link Below To Purchase and Immediately
Download Your Lessons To Your Computer.
Unsolicited Testimonial:
Hi there,
"... I am encouraged and blessed with your ministry."
Ptr. Jojo P. Espulgar
If you don't like - which we're confident won't happen - simply email us and let us know and we'll refund you as soon as we get your email.
Click The BIG ORANGE Button To Instantly Download Your Lessons For ONLY...
ONLY $37...
Mark & Paul
P.S. If you think you may want this lesson series, do NOT wait. This UNHEARD of discount WILL BE GOING AWAY when we've sold our limit for this offer.
Unsolicited Testimonial:
This evening our men's group studied specific lessons inside the membership site and it ended up that all the guys made a vow to be firm in our
commitment in our walk with the Lord and hold one another accountable for each other.
Thank you for a great lesson!
God Bless
Norbert Kursten
Click Image For Full Story!

Saturday, 4 April 2009
Water Baptism for Young Believers: Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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But if you’re looking for affordable, common-sense, attractive materials to prepare one or more children for baptism — materials that teach children about baptism:
* In a memorable way,
* In straightforward language that even young children can understand,
* In a fun and engaging way that even older children will appreciate,
* Using activities, puzzles, and worksheets to make learning even more fun,
* And (most importantly) based fundamentally and solidly on what the Bible teaches about baptism,
then congratulations — your search may have just ended.
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
Close Up of Rob FaveroMy name is Rob Favero. A number of years ago I was in the exact same spot you were. My two boys — young believers in Christ — were ready to acknowledge their faith in Christ in a public setting. It was an exciting time, and I wanted to be sure that they had a proper understanding of this important event, an event that’s a milestone in the life of any believer.
I wanted them to clearly understand that baptism doesn’t save you. But I also wanted them to appreciate the sacred importance of this special ceremony.
Baptism for Children: Vital Topics You Should Consider
Helping Kids Appreciate What Baptism Is All About
But frankly, getting kids to appreciate the wonderful meaning of baptism is a real challenge in today’s society. As you may have experienced, our modern world trappings can tempt us to view baptism as little more than an antiquated religious ritual that does little more than leave its participants soaking wet.
I wanted to make sure that my boys would experience their baptism as something more than just a “bothersome, outdated church thing my parents made me do.”
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
A Search in Vain
That’s when my search began. First I checked with some local Christian bookstores. But none of them carried anything for preparing children for baptism.
Then I did a search on the Internet. Still nothing suitable.
Wow! If my local Christian bookstores did not carry even one resource to prepare children for baptism, and if I couldn’t find anything that met my needs on the Internet, what were my chances of finding materials anywhere that would explain baptism the way I wanted?
That’s what ultimately motivated me to create my own set of lessons. This gave me the special opportunity to create a resource that explained baptism in a way I hoped would bring this special ceremony alive for my boys.
Creating My Own Baptism Preparation Materials
So I pulled out my Bible, fired up my creative passions, prayed, and began working on a project that eventually became known as Joey’s Baptism.
Joey's Baptism - Sample 1 - Thumbnail
The result is a 4-lesson eBook (electronic book) complete with engaging lessons, hands-on activities, puzzles, and activity sheets.
I was quite pleased with the results.
And so was the children’s director at our church.
I still remember how excited she was when she got ahold of a copy that I had given to one of our pastors. She told me:
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
You don’t know how much impact this booklet is going to have!
And as you can see in the following testimonials, others since that time have expressed similar views.
“I was able to download the book with no problems, and so far the book is wonderful!! We have completed chapter one and my daughter loved doing the ‘blanket baptisms’ in the living room. It was really fun for her and I think it took some of the fear out of being ‘dunked.’
“She is already getting excited about being baptised and starting to understand it’s meaning a bit more, which is what I really desired. Thank you so much for this book. It is such a wonderful teaching tool and I will tell my friends about your website!”
- Elizabeth, Mother
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
“Your teaching was very helpful, the children truly understood the meaning, and parents were involved (that does not happen too often).”
- Connie, Hope 4 Kids Coordinator
“The story is good and would be very useful for rotational lessons. It could be used in so many different rotational rooms. I might write a couple of lessons using your story. I will link your address for people to order if I have your permission. It really is a good story.”
- Denise, C.E. Director
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
I believe Joey’s Baptism is a well-crafted, trustworthy resource that can help you prepare your child for baptism.
A Four Lesson Approach
The booklet is divided into 4 lessons:
1. Joey’s Big Question (What is baptism all about?)
2. Grandpa Explains (Baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection.)
3. Water, Water Everywhere (Water is a special element for baptism.)
4. Final Questions (Baptism shows that we have put our trust in Jesus.)
Joey's Baptism - Sample 2 - Thumbnail
Each lesson gives a straightforward and engaging explanation of the important elements of baptism. They’re big concepts presented in simple terms to match your child’s level of understanding. Activities at the end of each chapter reinforce the concepts introduced in each chapter.
For Children From Kindergarten Through 4th Grade
Joey’s Baptism is targeted for children in kindergarten through 4th grade. The lessons are written in a style that is simple enough for a five- or six-year-old to understand, yet the presentation and concepts are challenging enough to satisfy the interest of even a nine- or ten-year-old.
Joey's Baptism - Sample 3 - Thumbnail
To better match varying abilities for children of different ages, each chapter ends with two activity sheets, one for younger children and one for older children. (Children older than 10 can also benefit from use of this booklet, though the activity sheets may not interest them.)
Of course, having a resource that presents big concepts in a readable, clear way is only good if the concepts it’s presenting are accurate. So the question is:
Is the teaching in Joey’s Baptism faithful to solid Biblical teaching?
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
Joey's Baptism - Sample 4 - Thumbnail
If you’re like me, there’s no compromising here. I’ve got to be confident that whatever I’m teaching my children about baptism is rock-solid.
And for that reason I had the book reviewed by an evangelical pastor to ensure its faithfulness to Biblical teaching.
After all — if you have the most awesome teaching materials in the world, but they’re teaching the wrong things, it’s doesn’t matter in the least how great they might be.
So you can be confident that Joey’s Baptism will lead your child in the right direction on her or his spiritual journey.
So did it work for my kids? Realistically it’s hard to know precisely how much influence we have in the things we do. However, at one point when my younger son was a junior in high school — many years after having gone through my materials and still living as a person committed to serving God — he told me something like this: “I don’t remember much about the details of your baptism materials, but I do remember that I really liked them.”
A Sample from Joey’s Baptism
To help you decide if this valuable resource is right for you and the child or children you are preparing for baptism, I’m making available the fourth chapter as a sample for you to review. It’s a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file, and you can download it right now.
Get Your Copy Today
Joey’s Baptism is a downloadable ebook in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format, and you can purchase a copy for just $8.50 for home use and just $30 for unlimited use in a church or organization setting.
PLEASE NOTE: These prices are reduced from prices you may find elsewhere on this site, so be sure to bookmark this page to get these prices.
Further, this is a no-risk purchase. You get a full 60-day money back guarantee. If in your opinion you decide that Joey’s Baptism is not exactly as I’ve described it, you can get a full refund.
Your home use purchase allows you to use Joey’s Baptism with every child in your immediate family, whether you have one child or four children or more. (I do request that families do not share a copy but that each family purchase their own copy.)
Your church or organization purchase allows you to make unlimited copies of any parts of Joey’s Baptism for use with any number of children in any training program sponsored by your church or organization. This is an affordable, easy-to-administer way to provide copies for each child in your church baptism preparation program.
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
BUT WAIT! What if I want to use Joey’s Baptism in a church or organization setting with just a few kids. Do I have to pay the full, unlimited use price?
ANSWER: No you don’t. Here’s what you can do. For 1 or 2 children just buy 1 home use copy (a cost of $8.50). For 3 or 4 children, buy two home use copies (a cost of $17). For 5, 6, or 7 children, by three home use copies (a cost of $25.50).
Joey’s Baptism provides young believers with solid Biblical teaching about the purpose of baptism in the Christian life. It puts big concepts in child-level terms to make baptism a meaningful and memorable ceremony for children. I believe you will be pleased with the quality preparation Joey’s Baptism will provide to your daughter or son.
If you have any questions, please contact me, Rob Favero.
Click Image For Full Story!

Click Image For Full Story!

But if you’re looking for affordable, common-sense, attractive materials to prepare one or more children for baptism — materials that teach children about baptism:
* In a memorable way,
* In straightforward language that even young children can understand,
* In a fun and engaging way that even older children will appreciate,
* Using activities, puzzles, and worksheets to make learning even more fun,
* And (most importantly) based fundamentally and solidly on what the Bible teaches about baptism,
then congratulations — your search may have just ended.
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
Close Up of Rob FaveroMy name is Rob Favero. A number of years ago I was in the exact same spot you were. My two boys — young believers in Christ — were ready to acknowledge their faith in Christ in a public setting. It was an exciting time, and I wanted to be sure that they had a proper understanding of this important event, an event that’s a milestone in the life of any believer.
I wanted them to clearly understand that baptism doesn’t save you. But I also wanted them to appreciate the sacred importance of this special ceremony.
Baptism for Children: Vital Topics You Should Consider
Helping Kids Appreciate What Baptism Is All About
But frankly, getting kids to appreciate the wonderful meaning of baptism is a real challenge in today’s society. As you may have experienced, our modern world trappings can tempt us to view baptism as little more than an antiquated religious ritual that does little more than leave its participants soaking wet.
I wanted to make sure that my boys would experience their baptism as something more than just a “bothersome, outdated church thing my parents made me do.”
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
A Search in Vain
That’s when my search began. First I checked with some local Christian bookstores. But none of them carried anything for preparing children for baptism.
Then I did a search on the Internet. Still nothing suitable.
Wow! If my local Christian bookstores did not carry even one resource to prepare children for baptism, and if I couldn’t find anything that met my needs on the Internet, what were my chances of finding materials anywhere that would explain baptism the way I wanted?
That’s what ultimately motivated me to create my own set of lessons. This gave me the special opportunity to create a resource that explained baptism in a way I hoped would bring this special ceremony alive for my boys.
Creating My Own Baptism Preparation Materials
So I pulled out my Bible, fired up my creative passions, prayed, and began working on a project that eventually became known as Joey’s Baptism.
Joey's Baptism - Sample 1 - Thumbnail
The result is a 4-lesson eBook (electronic book) complete with engaging lessons, hands-on activities, puzzles, and activity sheets.
I was quite pleased with the results.
And so was the children’s director at our church.
I still remember how excited she was when she got ahold of a copy that I had given to one of our pastors. She told me:
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
You don’t know how much impact this booklet is going to have!
And as you can see in the following testimonials, others since that time have expressed similar views.
“I was able to download the book with no problems, and so far the book is wonderful!! We have completed chapter one and my daughter loved doing the ‘blanket baptisms’ in the living room. It was really fun for her and I think it took some of the fear out of being ‘dunked.’
“She is already getting excited about being baptised and starting to understand it’s meaning a bit more, which is what I really desired. Thank you so much for this book. It is such a wonderful teaching tool and I will tell my friends about your website!”
- Elizabeth, Mother
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
“Your teaching was very helpful, the children truly understood the meaning, and parents were involved (that does not happen too often).”
- Connie, Hope 4 Kids Coordinator
“The story is good and would be very useful for rotational lessons. It could be used in so many different rotational rooms. I might write a couple of lessons using your story. I will link your address for people to order if I have your permission. It really is a good story.”
- Denise, C.E. Director
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
I believe Joey’s Baptism is a well-crafted, trustworthy resource that can help you prepare your child for baptism.
A Four Lesson Approach
The booklet is divided into 4 lessons:
1. Joey’s Big Question (What is baptism all about?)
2. Grandpa Explains (Baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection.)
3. Water, Water Everywhere (Water is a special element for baptism.)
4. Final Questions (Baptism shows that we have put our trust in Jesus.)
Joey's Baptism - Sample 2 - Thumbnail
Each lesson gives a straightforward and engaging explanation of the important elements of baptism. They’re big concepts presented in simple terms to match your child’s level of understanding. Activities at the end of each chapter reinforce the concepts introduced in each chapter.
For Children From Kindergarten Through 4th Grade
Joey’s Baptism is targeted for children in kindergarten through 4th grade. The lessons are written in a style that is simple enough for a five- or six-year-old to understand, yet the presentation and concepts are challenging enough to satisfy the interest of even a nine- or ten-year-old.
Joey's Baptism - Sample 3 - Thumbnail
To better match varying abilities for children of different ages, each chapter ends with two activity sheets, one for younger children and one for older children. (Children older than 10 can also benefit from use of this booklet, though the activity sheets may not interest them.)
Of course, having a resource that presents big concepts in a readable, clear way is only good if the concepts it’s presenting are accurate. So the question is:
Is the teaching in Joey’s Baptism faithful to solid Biblical teaching?
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
Joey's Baptism - Sample 4 - Thumbnail
If you’re like me, there’s no compromising here. I’ve got to be confident that whatever I’m teaching my children about baptism is rock-solid.
And for that reason I had the book reviewed by an evangelical pastor to ensure its faithfulness to Biblical teaching.
After all — if you have the most awesome teaching materials in the world, but they’re teaching the wrong things, it’s doesn’t matter in the least how great they might be.
So you can be confident that Joey’s Baptism will lead your child in the right direction on her or his spiritual journey.
So did it work for my kids? Realistically it’s hard to know precisely how much influence we have in the things we do. However, at one point when my younger son was a junior in high school — many years after having gone through my materials and still living as a person committed to serving God — he told me something like this: “I don’t remember much about the details of your baptism materials, but I do remember that I really liked them.”
A Sample from Joey’s Baptism
To help you decide if this valuable resource is right for you and the child or children you are preparing for baptism, I’m making available the fourth chapter as a sample for you to review. It’s a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file, and you can download it right now.
Get Your Copy Today
Joey’s Baptism is a downloadable ebook in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format, and you can purchase a copy for just $8.50 for home use and just $30 for unlimited use in a church or organization setting.
PLEASE NOTE: These prices are reduced from prices you may find elsewhere on this site, so be sure to bookmark this page to get these prices.
Further, this is a no-risk purchase. You get a full 60-day money back guarantee. If in your opinion you decide that Joey’s Baptism is not exactly as I’ve described it, you can get a full refund.
Your home use purchase allows you to use Joey’s Baptism with every child in your immediate family, whether you have one child or four children or more. (I do request that families do not share a copy but that each family purchase their own copy.)
Your church or organization purchase allows you to make unlimited copies of any parts of Joey’s Baptism for use with any number of children in any training program sponsored by your church or organization. This is an affordable, easy-to-administer way to provide copies for each child in your church baptism preparation program.
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
Click Here For Full Story!
BUT WAIT! What if I want to use Joey’s Baptism in a church or organization setting with just a few kids. Do I have to pay the full, unlimited use price?
ANSWER: No you don’t. Here’s what you can do. For 1 or 2 children just buy 1 home use copy (a cost of $8.50). For 3 or 4 children, buy two home use copies (a cost of $17). For 5, 6, or 7 children, by three home use copies (a cost of $25.50).
Joey’s Baptism provides young believers with solid Biblical teaching about the purpose of baptism in the Christian life. It puts big concepts in child-level terms to make baptism a meaningful and memorable ceremony for children. I believe you will be pleased with the quality preparation Joey’s Baptism will provide to your daughter or son.
If you have any questions, please contact me, Rob Favero.
Click Image For Full Story!

Sunday, 15 March 2009
It's a Knitting Bible Study.... Designed To Foster Deeper Conversations About our Faith while Building Lasting Friendships and a Stronger Community
”She shops for the best yarns. She enjoys knitting and crochet.“
Proverbs 31:13 The Message
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Click Image For Full Story!
Hello, my name is TerryAnn, but because I love Teddy Bears so much, all my friends call me BearyAnn.
I learned to knit as a child in the 4H club. Then, when my children were young I enjoyed knitting and crocheting many of their toys. Later I started learning about new technologies and got hooked on computers. Between that, and a career, and raising my 2 girls I set needle crafts aside.
I recently returned to knitting as a way to distract myself from my chronic pain and help keep my spirits up during those especially high pain episodes. And it does help.
One time, while I was untangling a ball of yarn, I pondered how my life was a tangled mess and only God could guide me through the tough times as well as the good.
This led me to think of other word pictures and how they relate to knitting, God and the Bible. I then sought out Bible studies centered around knitting. There was very little to be found.
So I started writing down my own stories and word pictures. I sought out scripture, meditated and prayed over them and my writing. Once some friends heard what I was doing, they asked me to share it with them.
Young Girl Knitting wishes she had a Bible study to attend
So I got it all ready and submitted the material for the Fall 2007 session of Bible Studies at my church. I received approval, we began first the Knitting Bible Study and...
“The Response was Incredible!”
The women just loved it! We had new knitters just learning and “seasoned” knitters to show them how. We would all gather at our meeting spot which had nice soft chairs and sofas. Then after some prayer, we would begin.
What worked best was for one person to Read the Lesson and Scripture verses while the rest continued to work on their projects and joined in conversation about how their hearts were being touched.
This would take 20 minutes or so. Then we found ourselves talking about the week's Scripture and Lesson as well as what was happening in our lives until it was time to go.
Many found it easier to share with the comfortable setting and knitting work in their hands.
Believe you me, we were either enjoying ourselves so much or so engrossed in our projects and discussion, our time would be up and we would forget to quit!
“You Have Escaped to a Quiet Place - Learning and Sharing the Word of God - With Friends both Old and New”
May your heart be encouraged, being knit together in love.
Colosians Chapter 2 Verse 2
knitting group partying
Here are some Comments from the Ladies in My Group:
“Our Knitting Bible Study is a place where we can just sit for a time, relax with knitting project, and really enjoy resting in the Lord.”
“Our Knitting Bible Study is a class where we can enjoy a relaxed setting to talk about what God is showing us in His word, while we learn and practice needle work we can share as ministry needs, gifts, or just for fun.”
“We have the chance to get to know one another a little better because we have two things in common, our love for the Lord, and the blessing of knitting together.”
Just buy one copy!
When you purchase one copy you receive the rights to print
as many copies as you need for your personal study group.
That's a savings of $110 for a group of 5 knitters!
I've completely updated the Bible Study from the original version for you.
In addition to the 10 lessons I have included a "Suggested Project" for each lesson The project is either a pattern or instructions for finding the pattern on the internet. The patterns are only suggested because everyone knits at a different pace, and some like working on their own projects.
Also included in the Knitting Bible Study are Journal pages where you can write down your thoughts and discoveries as you work through the questions and memory verse at the end of each lesson.
Bible Study Pattern for Knitters
BONUS: I put together a concise book with an illustrated beginners Knitting Lesson plus a Scarf Pattern. I've included these free with your purchase and download.
Click here to Read Full Story!
Here are the Knitting Bible Study Lessons
Along with a Verse from Each One:
“For no one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
I Cor 3:11
“I will take away your heart of sin and give you a new obedient heart. Eze 36:26”
Ezekial 36:26
“For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus
so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
Eph. 2:10
“Surely, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matt. 28:20
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Luke 12:34
“I have made you and I will carry you.”
Isaiah 46:4
“A cord of 3 strands is not quickly broken.”
Eccl. 4:12
“Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.”
Hebrews 10:36
“She shops for the best yarns. She enjoys knitting and crochet.”
Proverbs 31:13
“As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15
two women knitting on a pier hoping someone writes a Knitting Bible Study soon
What exactly will I receive?
A Zip File containing:
* The Knitting Bible Study Book (PDF format)Containing:
o 10 Study Lessons
o Patterns and Suggested Projects for Each Lesson
o Journal Pages After Each Lesson
o Weekly Memory Verse
o Self-study questions
o Suggested Resources
o Praise and Prayer Log
o Printable Notebook Cover Page
o Printable Notebook Spine Page
o End of Bible Study Questionnaire
* Learn to Knit Instructions (PDF Format)
* Scarf Pattern (Part of the Learn to Knit PDF)
All for $27

Bible Study Pattern for Knitters
Click here to download now!
It is said there are only two types of people:
1) Those who love to knit and crochet and
2) The rest.
Your books will be delivered in PDF format within a ZIP file.
You will be directed to a download page immediately upon payment approval.
This product comes with a full money back satisfaction guarantee
Money Back Guarantee
A woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Proverbs 31:13 The Message
Click Image For Full Story!

Hello, my name is TerryAnn, but because I love Teddy Bears so much, all my friends call me BearyAnn.
I learned to knit as a child in the 4H club. Then, when my children were young I enjoyed knitting and crocheting many of their toys. Later I started learning about new technologies and got hooked on computers. Between that, and a career, and raising my 2 girls I set needle crafts aside.
I recently returned to knitting as a way to distract myself from my chronic pain and help keep my spirits up during those especially high pain episodes. And it does help.
One time, while I was untangling a ball of yarn, I pondered how my life was a tangled mess and only God could guide me through the tough times as well as the good.
This led me to think of other word pictures and how they relate to knitting, God and the Bible. I then sought out Bible studies centered around knitting. There was very little to be found.
So I started writing down my own stories and word pictures. I sought out scripture, meditated and prayed over them and my writing. Once some friends heard what I was doing, they asked me to share it with them.
Young Girl Knitting wishes she had a Bible study to attend
So I got it all ready and submitted the material for the Fall 2007 session of Bible Studies at my church. I received approval, we began first the Knitting Bible Study and...
“The Response was Incredible!”
The women just loved it! We had new knitters just learning and “seasoned” knitters to show them how. We would all gather at our meeting spot which had nice soft chairs and sofas. Then after some prayer, we would begin.
What worked best was for one person to Read the Lesson and Scripture verses while the rest continued to work on their projects and joined in conversation about how their hearts were being touched.
This would take 20 minutes or so. Then we found ourselves talking about the week's Scripture and Lesson as well as what was happening in our lives until it was time to go.
Many found it easier to share with the comfortable setting and knitting work in their hands.
Believe you me, we were either enjoying ourselves so much or so engrossed in our projects and discussion, our time would be up and we would forget to quit!
“You Have Escaped to a Quiet Place - Learning and Sharing the Word of God - With Friends both Old and New”
May your heart be encouraged, being knit together in love.
Colosians Chapter 2 Verse 2
knitting group partying
Here are some Comments from the Ladies in My Group:
“Our Knitting Bible Study is a place where we can just sit for a time, relax with knitting project, and really enjoy resting in the Lord.”
“Our Knitting Bible Study is a class where we can enjoy a relaxed setting to talk about what God is showing us in His word, while we learn and practice needle work we can share as ministry needs, gifts, or just for fun.”
“We have the chance to get to know one another a little better because we have two things in common, our love for the Lord, and the blessing of knitting together.”
Just buy one copy!
When you purchase one copy you receive the rights to print
as many copies as you need for your personal study group.
That's a savings of $110 for a group of 5 knitters!
I've completely updated the Bible Study from the original version for you.
In addition to the 10 lessons I have included a "Suggested Project" for each lesson The project is either a pattern or instructions for finding the pattern on the internet. The patterns are only suggested because everyone knits at a different pace, and some like working on their own projects.
Also included in the Knitting Bible Study are Journal pages where you can write down your thoughts and discoveries as you work through the questions and memory verse at the end of each lesson.
Bible Study Pattern for Knitters
BONUS: I put together a concise book with an illustrated beginners Knitting Lesson plus a Scarf Pattern. I've included these free with your purchase and download.
Click here to Read Full Story!
Here are the Knitting Bible Study Lessons
Along with a Verse from Each One:
“For no one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
I Cor 3:11
“I will take away your heart of sin and give you a new obedient heart. Eze 36:26”
Ezekial 36:26
“For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus
so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
Eph. 2:10
“Surely, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matt. 28:20
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Luke 12:34
“I have made you and I will carry you.”
Isaiah 46:4
“A cord of 3 strands is not quickly broken.”
Eccl. 4:12
“Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.”
Hebrews 10:36
“She shops for the best yarns. She enjoys knitting and crochet.”
Proverbs 31:13
“As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15
two women knitting on a pier hoping someone writes a Knitting Bible Study soon
What exactly will I receive?
A Zip File containing:
* The Knitting Bible Study Book (PDF format)Containing:
o 10 Study Lessons
o Patterns and Suggested Projects for Each Lesson
o Journal Pages After Each Lesson
o Weekly Memory Verse
o Self-study questions
o Suggested Resources
o Praise and Prayer Log
o Printable Notebook Cover Page
o Printable Notebook Spine Page
o End of Bible Study Questionnaire
* Learn to Knit Instructions (PDF Format)
* Scarf Pattern (Part of the Learn to Knit PDF)
All for $27

Bible Study Pattern for Knitters
Click here to download now!
It is said there are only two types of people:
1) Those who love to knit and crochet and
2) The rest.
Your books will be delivered in PDF format within a ZIP file.
You will be directed to a download page immediately upon payment approval.
This product comes with a full money back satisfaction guarantee
Money Back Guarantee
A woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Friday, 6 March 2009
Successful Strategies for God's Soldiers has finally arrived!
That's right...
I've Enlisted! Now What?!? Successful Strategies for God's Soldiers is finally available!
What are we talking about?...I'm glad you asked...
Spiritual Warfare Is One Of The Most Popular Concepts In Christianity Today. This Book Gives A Verse By Verse Overview Of Ephesians 6:10-18, The Classic Passage Regarding Spiritual Warfare. Written In Simple Language, It Also Promotes Doctrine.
Successful Strategies for God's Soldiers, simply put, is the Christian's e-handbook to success in the midst of spiritual battles. Approaching spiritual warfare from Paul's perspective in Ephesians 6:10-18, William J. Brown will whip you into shape as you progress through "Bible Boot Camp", emerging on graduation day as a top-notch spiritual soldier ready to serve in the greatest army of all...God's Army!
Click Here To Read Full Story!
This e-book, produced by, showcases the same careful exegesis and practical application you've come to expect from our website.
If you'd like to purchase a copy of this e-book, scroll down to the purchase button and click it. You'll be redirected to ClickBank, the good folks who are helping us sell this product online.
Just follow instructions from there. You'll end up at a page that will require you to download the e-book to your hard drive. Depending on the specs of your computer and the speed of your internet, the download may take a few seconds or up to several minutes to complete. It's that simple!
We've provided this 116 page e-book in PDF format. So you'll want to make sure your computer supports that platform. Adobe Reader and other comparable programs should run this PDF e-book.
I've Enlisted! Now What?!? Successful Strategies for God's Soldiers should prove an invaluable resource to both pastors and Bible students alike. So scroll down and take a look! the way...
Welcome to God's Army!
Click Here To Purchase!

I've Enlisted! Now What?!? Successful Strategies for God's Soldiers is finally available!
What are we talking about?...I'm glad you asked...
Spiritual Warfare Is One Of The Most Popular Concepts In Christianity Today. This Book Gives A Verse By Verse Overview Of Ephesians 6:10-18, The Classic Passage Regarding Spiritual Warfare. Written In Simple Language, It Also Promotes Doctrine.
Successful Strategies for God's Soldiers, simply put, is the Christian's e-handbook to success in the midst of spiritual battles. Approaching spiritual warfare from Paul's perspective in Ephesians 6:10-18, William J. Brown will whip you into shape as you progress through "Bible Boot Camp", emerging on graduation day as a top-notch spiritual soldier ready to serve in the greatest army of all...God's Army!
Click Here To Read Full Story!
This e-book, produced by, showcases the same careful exegesis and practical application you've come to expect from our website.
If you'd like to purchase a copy of this e-book, scroll down to the purchase button and click it. You'll be redirected to ClickBank, the good folks who are helping us sell this product online.
Just follow instructions from there. You'll end up at a page that will require you to download the e-book to your hard drive. Depending on the specs of your computer and the speed of your internet, the download may take a few seconds or up to several minutes to complete. It's that simple!
We've provided this 116 page e-book in PDF format. So you'll want to make sure your computer supports that platform. Adobe Reader and other comparable programs should run this PDF e-book.
I've Enlisted! Now What?!? Successful Strategies for God's Soldiers should prove an invaluable resource to both pastors and Bible students alike. So scroll down and take a look! the way...
Welcome to God's Army!
Click Here To Purchase!

Grow in God's Word and Learn Line-by-Line About Ruth of the Bible!
A Lively, Conversational But In-depth Study Of The Biblical Book Of Ruth Written Specifically To Help Modern Women Who Are Struggling To Cope With Tough Economic Times Or Periods Of Personal Loss And Death.
Attention: People Who Love God's Word and Want to Know More About One of the Most Amazing Women in the Bible!
Are You Tired of Superficial Bible Studies or Topical Stuff That's More About How to Feel Good Than How to Grow as a True Woman of Godliness? Are You Ready to Read About How a Godly Woman Survived and Even Thrived in Times of Hardship! Get Ready to Meet Ruth!
challah bread
Ruth may be the easiest book in the Bible to read, because it's short and it sounds a lot like a novel. It's about a young woman facing very hard times. Ruth knew all about economic hardship. She knew about loss, too. As a matter of fact, when this story opens Ruth is confronting problems that make the loss of a 401(k) or a home foreclosure look pretty puny.
And what does Ruth do? She doesn't always take the easy way out, but she persists.
The book of Ruth is very challenging to those who think the Bible is all about meek, mousey women who stay at home. Ruth is a single woman when the story opens and part of her story involves how she got a job in order to hold her family together. Ruth is about the dignity and strength of women.
Click Here To Read Full Story!
But it's also about humility and courage and devotion.
Did you know, for example, that:
* Ruth is one of the very few characters in the Bible to be mentioned in both the Old and New Testament?
* Ruth was a farm girl, but she gave one of the most eloquent speeches known in history when she promises Naomi she'll go with her to Bethlehem?
* The story of Ruth is so ancient that it was a thousand years old when Jesus was born?
* Ruth is one of just two books in all of Scripture that bear the name of a woman? (The other one is Esther.)
* Ruth is Rahab's daughter-in-law?
* One of the characters in the book of Ruth is believed to be a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ?
* Ruth is the grandmother of King David?
Ruth of the Bible deals with this amazing and surprisingly timely book of the Bible line-by-line. If you don't think the Bible has relevant, practical, real-life value for your right now, you haven't read Ruth! We are absolutely convinced you'll find some of the answers to your present questions right here, for example:
* Should women work outside the home?
* Is a husband-and-wife-and-kids the only kind of family God honors?
* How should a woman behave on the job?
* What's the best way to get noticed by godly men who want to get married?
* Is the easiest way always the best way out of a problem?
* What should you do when you run out of money?
* How can you deal with ethnic or racial prejudice in your community?
* How should I treat my in-laws?
* Can my godly conduct now impact the lives of others?
* How can I survive tough times and still honor God?
Over the years, some people have drawn incredible strength from this book. Isn't it time that you read it ... I mean really read it ... for yourself?
Now I know what a lot of people say about reading the Bible. It can be tough--particularly the Old Testament. I've talked to women all over who have attempted to dig into the book of Ruth and came away confused or bored. That's why you need this kind of book which explains some of the cultural issues that help you make sense of the book of Ruth. You'll learn:
* Why Ruth had to uncover Boaz's feet while he was asleep in order to speak to him
* The historical issues that would make Naomi's family leave Bethlehem and the social issues they confronted whey they returned
* The prejudices in ancient societythat made Ruth nervous--and could have made her an outcast
* Why widows sometimes starved to death in Ruth's society and why so few people tried to help them
* Why Boaz had the "right" to marry Ruth, if he wanted to
* How Ruth wound up marrying the son of Rahab of Jericho and Salmon, one of Joshua's spies
* The eternal significance of Ruth's being the mother to a baby boy named Obed
* How Moabites worshiped and why the Hebrews rightly feared them
* Examples of how God works in ordinary events
* That Ruth is an amazing role model for all women but particularly for single working women trying to make it in economically tough times!
We beta-tested this book and got back a pretty awesome response from one reader. She said, "I printed this book out and read it. The last part grabbed me so much that I took it with me when I went to lunch and read it out loud to one of my friends. It was just what we needed to hear, it really touched the heart of women who are single! I have read this book before, I knew the story, but this was the first time I saw things in it that were so specific to my life right at this moment."
Hey, but don't take her word for her, judge for yourself.
This gives you a good idea of the tone and scope of the book. Author Veronica Donofrio did an outstanding job of putting together hours and hours of extensive research and study into a format that's friendly, engaging, and full of insight.
You can get this book right now, instantly. You see, it's digital. You can get a downloadable copy delivered right to you in a few moments, no matter where you live or no matter what time it is.
It costs $7.77. That's all. Less than the price of a mediocre-quality paperback book for line-by-line insightful, inspirational, and important work on Ruth.
If you're like most Christian women, you probably have not been exposed to a lot of serious line-by-line Bible studies. You almost certainly have not had much chance to get to know Ruth, up close and personal. This is a great original manuscript available to you at a very reasonable price.
And you can only get it from us. Now, to be quite truthful, there may come a day when we decide to publish this as a regular paperback book. That could very well happen--so one day this book may be distributed more widely. But for right now ... you can only get it here and we think the price is a great deal.
One more thing! Our guarantee can't be beaten. That's because we take all of the risk. You buy the book. You'll have it in moments. And then you read it, work with it, see what you think. If you decide that it isn't for you, doesn't live up to our promises, or doesn't tell you useful and important (potentially life-changing) information ... then send it back. That's right. We'll take it back, no questions asked. Now we have to put a time limit on a guarantee like that. Most places would make it 2 weeks. Some might wow you with 30 days. But you know what? We'll give you a full 60 days to test-read this book (and we already showed you a sample).
So what's the risk? The risk is missing out!
Click Here To Order!

Attention: People Who Love God's Word and Want to Know More About One of the Most Amazing Women in the Bible!
Are You Tired of Superficial Bible Studies or Topical Stuff That's More About How to Feel Good Than How to Grow as a True Woman of Godliness? Are You Ready to Read About How a Godly Woman Survived and Even Thrived in Times of Hardship! Get Ready to Meet Ruth!
challah bread
Ruth may be the easiest book in the Bible to read, because it's short and it sounds a lot like a novel. It's about a young woman facing very hard times. Ruth knew all about economic hardship. She knew about loss, too. As a matter of fact, when this story opens Ruth is confronting problems that make the loss of a 401(k) or a home foreclosure look pretty puny.
And what does Ruth do? She doesn't always take the easy way out, but she persists.
The book of Ruth is very challenging to those who think the Bible is all about meek, mousey women who stay at home. Ruth is a single woman when the story opens and part of her story involves how she got a job in order to hold her family together. Ruth is about the dignity and strength of women.
Click Here To Read Full Story!
But it's also about humility and courage and devotion.
Did you know, for example, that:
* Ruth is one of the very few characters in the Bible to be mentioned in both the Old and New Testament?
* Ruth was a farm girl, but she gave one of the most eloquent speeches known in history when she promises Naomi she'll go with her to Bethlehem?
* The story of Ruth is so ancient that it was a thousand years old when Jesus was born?
* Ruth is one of just two books in all of Scripture that bear the name of a woman? (The other one is Esther.)
* Ruth is Rahab's daughter-in-law?
* One of the characters in the book of Ruth is believed to be a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ?
* Ruth is the grandmother of King David?
Ruth of the Bible deals with this amazing and surprisingly timely book of the Bible line-by-line. If you don't think the Bible has relevant, practical, real-life value for your right now, you haven't read Ruth! We are absolutely convinced you'll find some of the answers to your present questions right here, for example:
* Should women work outside the home?
* Is a husband-and-wife-and-kids the only kind of family God honors?
* How should a woman behave on the job?
* What's the best way to get noticed by godly men who want to get married?
* Is the easiest way always the best way out of a problem?
* What should you do when you run out of money?
* How can you deal with ethnic or racial prejudice in your community?
* How should I treat my in-laws?
* Can my godly conduct now impact the lives of others?
* How can I survive tough times and still honor God?
Over the years, some people have drawn incredible strength from this book. Isn't it time that you read it ... I mean really read it ... for yourself?
Now I know what a lot of people say about reading the Bible. It can be tough--particularly the Old Testament. I've talked to women all over who have attempted to dig into the book of Ruth and came away confused or bored. That's why you need this kind of book which explains some of the cultural issues that help you make sense of the book of Ruth. You'll learn:
* Why Ruth had to uncover Boaz's feet while he was asleep in order to speak to him
* The historical issues that would make Naomi's family leave Bethlehem and the social issues they confronted whey they returned
* The prejudices in ancient societythat made Ruth nervous--and could have made her an outcast
* Why widows sometimes starved to death in Ruth's society and why so few people tried to help them
* Why Boaz had the "right" to marry Ruth, if he wanted to
* How Ruth wound up marrying the son of Rahab of Jericho and Salmon, one of Joshua's spies
* The eternal significance of Ruth's being the mother to a baby boy named Obed
* How Moabites worshiped and why the Hebrews rightly feared them
* Examples of how God works in ordinary events
* That Ruth is an amazing role model for all women but particularly for single working women trying to make it in economically tough times!
We beta-tested this book and got back a pretty awesome response from one reader. She said, "I printed this book out and read it. The last part grabbed me so much that I took it with me when I went to lunch and read it out loud to one of my friends. It was just what we needed to hear, it really touched the heart of women who are single! I have read this book before, I knew the story, but this was the first time I saw things in it that were so specific to my life right at this moment."
Hey, but don't take her word for her, judge for yourself.
This gives you a good idea of the tone and scope of the book. Author Veronica Donofrio did an outstanding job of putting together hours and hours of extensive research and study into a format that's friendly, engaging, and full of insight.
You can get this book right now, instantly. You see, it's digital. You can get a downloadable copy delivered right to you in a few moments, no matter where you live or no matter what time it is.
It costs $7.77. That's all. Less than the price of a mediocre-quality paperback book for line-by-line insightful, inspirational, and important work on Ruth.
If you're like most Christian women, you probably have not been exposed to a lot of serious line-by-line Bible studies. You almost certainly have not had much chance to get to know Ruth, up close and personal. This is a great original manuscript available to you at a very reasonable price.
And you can only get it from us. Now, to be quite truthful, there may come a day when we decide to publish this as a regular paperback book. That could very well happen--so one day this book may be distributed more widely. But for right now ... you can only get it here and we think the price is a great deal.
One more thing! Our guarantee can't be beaten. That's because we take all of the risk. You buy the book. You'll have it in moments. And then you read it, work with it, see what you think. If you decide that it isn't for you, doesn't live up to our promises, or doesn't tell you useful and important (potentially life-changing) information ... then send it back. That's right. We'll take it back, no questions asked. Now we have to put a time limit on a guarantee like that. Most places would make it 2 weeks. Some might wow you with 30 days. But you know what? We'll give you a full 60 days to test-read this book (and we already showed you a sample).
So what's the risk? The risk is missing out!
Click Here To Order!

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