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"Below You'll Find a Spring Savings Sale Special That Is Such A NO-BRAINER, You'll Do A Double-Take To Make Sure You're Reading It Correctly."
Bible Lessons And Sermons
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Don't Wait On This Brain-Dead-Easy-Decision Spring Savings Sale Special. Claim Your Easy-To-Follow, Simply Laid Out Outlines, Handouts, PowerPoint Slides, and Discussion Guides! A GREAT Resource For Sermon Ideas Too!
Dear Teacher, Preacher, or otherwise Lover of God:
Today is a special day. Yes! Spring is right upon us. And yes! So is St. Patrick's Day. And, even though we're calling this a "Spring Savings Sale Special", we're not doing this because it's Spring. And we're not doing it because it's St. Patrick's Day this week... even though you'll feel extremely lucky when you find out what's below. We are choosing to create this crazy "Spring Savings Sale Special" offer out of... well... it's really more like an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
"What Do We Mean And Why Do We Want To Experiment?"
Great question! And I'd be asking myself that very question if I were in your shoes as well. And the answer is, "It's simple really." There are several reasons. We chose to perform this experiment because:
#1 Reason: To see if this will serve you better, as a non-member of PowerPoint Bible Lessons
#2 Reason: We're not sure if you've heard about this, but there seems to be an economic crisis in America today. And maybe, this way, we can help out by trying to do our part by generating some currency circulation in this economy. Not sure if this will cure the crisis, but we thought it was a nice thought. :-)
#3 Reason: Okay. This has more to do with us. But it's still a reason. And YOU are the beneficiary of this circumstance. So we're not going to hide it. We need the business. To sell these lessons at this low price doesn't even hardly cover the cost it takes to create them. But, if we can sell enough to just cover the cost, it will be worth it to get them to you at this deep discount - and in this economy.
But we're not going to leave it up for long. It's only a Spring Savings Sale Special. And we've agreed to bite the bullet for this long, just to see the results of the experiment.
This Is Where You Benefit!
From here, we're going to let you view what's below and decide - hopefully in the affirmative - whether this ridiculous special is for you.
We can tell you this, if you were to join PowerPoint Bible Lessons, you would get all these lessons AND much more for even less of a cost. We hear you already. You're wondering "How?" since this special is questionably even covering the cost to have these created.
Another great questions!
You see, when more people sign up for our monthly service, we are able to charge a much lower price, because there are a LOT more people to spread the cost around. That's a great way to save AND a great way receive even MORE resources for your ministry each month! Our members are loyal and - yes... even most of them like us! ;-)
But for now, take a look below, and try these lessons. If you like what you see, this is a very good representation of what's inside the members' area. So once you've decided that you DO like these lessons, come over and join the membership. We'd love to have you as a member!
Also, we urge you to NOT procrastinate if you even think you may want to grab these lessons.
Go ahead and take a look below now. You will be pleased.
Bible Lessons And Sermons
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Unsolicited Testimonial:
Hi brothers in the Lord,
Thanks for sharing your uplifting words. Your ministry is a real blessing too.
In His service,
Ray Montesino
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EIGHT! Practical, Applicable & Now Available Lessons on LESSONS FROM PARABLES.
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 1
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Unforgiving Servant:
* A Merciful King
* The Grateful Heart
* Deep Calls
* Results of an Unforgiving Heart
* ... much MORE!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 2
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
Laborers In The Vineyard:
* A Generous Landowner
* The Response
* The NonConformist Kingdom
* A New Way To Life
* ... so much more!
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 3
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
Wise & Foolish Virgins:
* He Is Coming!
* How To Be Ready
* How To Prepare Yourself...
* Ready & Waiting
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 4
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Unprofitable Servant:
* ______ With His Propert.
* One servant ________ it.
* One servant ________ it.
* One servant heard ______ & _______ !
* ... discover MORE about the wicked & lazy AND the Unprofitable Servant.
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 5
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Sower:
* "Along The Path"
* "On The Rocks"
* "Among The Thorns"
* "On Good Soil"
* How To Be the Fertile Soil
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 6
Bible Lessons And Sermons
Click Here Full Story!
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Good Samaritan:
* "A Man In Need"
* Ignored By The ______ People.
* How to Be The Samaritan Neighbor
* Discover How To Walk In Mercy
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 7
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Prodigal Son:
* The "Story" of the Younger Son
* The "Story" of the Older Son
* The Story Behind The Loving Father
* How To Turn Our Hearts Back To The Loving Father
* ... much more
Parables of Jesus
Lesson 8
*Discussion Guide
*PPT Slides
*Fill In The Blank
*Study Sheet
The Persistent Widow:
* "The Illustrator"
* The Reality of the Situation
* When Jesus Returns What Will We Be Doing?
* Never, Ever, Ever, Ever Give Up!
Parables of Jesus
Lesson Series Background Slides For EACH Lesson
Bible Lessons And Sermons
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Immediately Download Your Lessons & Slides Now:
Just Click The Link Below To Purchase and Immediately
Download Your Lessons To Your Computer.
Unsolicited Testimonial:
Hi there,
"... I am encouraged and blessed with your ministry."
Ptr. Jojo P. Espulgar
If you don't like - which we're confident won't happen - simply email us and let us know and we'll refund you as soon as we get your email.
Click The BIG ORANGE Button To Instantly Download Your Lessons For ONLY...
ONLY $37...
Mark & Paul
P.S. If you think you may want this lesson series, do NOT wait. This UNHEARD of discount WILL BE GOING AWAY when we've sold our limit for this offer.
Unsolicited Testimonial:
This evening our men's group studied specific lessons inside the membership site and it ended up that all the guys made a vow to be firm in our
commitment in our walk with the Lord and hold one another accountable for each other.
Thank you for a great lesson!
God Bless
Norbert Kursten
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