Let me ask you a question: "How important is sharing your faith in God to you?"
On a scale of 1-to-10, is witnessing an all-important "10", or a not-very-important "2"?
You're probably sitting there alone at your computer, so go ahead and be honest.
Ask yourself, what's holding me back? And more important, "What would it take for me to start witnessing on a daily basis?"
I asked myself the same questions, starting with why I wasn't witnessing the way I felt I should. In a fit of honesty, I came up with some answers. Check out my list:
My Story For Christ
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"Corrine's Checklist -
Why I Didn't Witness"
I was afraid that I won't say the right thing
I was sure that I'd freeze-up or say something dumb when I was with a real, live person
I felt certain that that even if I did remember the scriptures/ the steps/the script, it wouldn't be enough
In the back of my mind were the thoughts that:
Since I'm so very (very!) far from perfect, God would never be able to use me
I needed more specialized training in evangelism
And the one I seemed to fall back on the most:
What gave me the right to intrude on a stranger's/neighbor's/ loved one?s time with unsolicited answers to questions they had never asked me?
It's not just me. A lot of people feel the same way. Check this out -
Eight Reasons Why I Don't Share My Faith
Any of that sound familiar? I wouldn't be surprised if it does. A lot of us are in the same boat.
In his book The Coming Revival, Campus Crusade for Christ founder Bill Bright wrote that only 2% (2%!) of Christians in America share their faith regularly. That means that 98% of us are remaining silent. So let me ask you now,
"Are you one of the 2% Christians
or are you one of the 98%ers?"
Where ever you are on the spectrum, I either envy you or I know exactly how you feel. Let me briefly share with you a bit of my own journey. Tell me if it sounds familiar...
I spent most of my Christian life wishing I were one of the 2%ers, but in truth, I was one of the 98%. I wanted to witness but I was just so bad at it! I needed help and I knew it. So I prayed, I researched, and I prayed some more.
It took me a while to figure out that the reason the training courses, the scripts and the memorization programs didn't work for me was because it wasn't me. I was pouring my heart and soul into telling someone else?s story, using someone else's words, and I was bombing out!
Now, please don?t think for one minute that I don?t appreciate the value of
* witnessing scripts,
* scripture memorization methods, and
* specialized evangelism training programs.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
I do! All this stuff is great - I know because I did most of it. If it works for you, keep it up! My problem was that even though I had the tools at hand, I still wasn't getting out there and witnessing the way I should. Try-as-I-might, I was never able to master the methods or the materials in a way that helped me feel confident enough to make witnessing part of my daily life.
It took me some time, but I came up with something that works for me and I know it will work for you, too!
"I found something that works!"
Regardless of your age or experience, whether you?ve been a Christian for 5-minutes or for 50-years, the My Story for Christ Witnessing System is designed to empower and equip the 2%ers and 98%ers alike to effectively share their faith on a daily basis.
The My Story for Christ Witnessing System allows you to share your faith in Christ with others while you are...
* standing in line at the market, the bank, the dry cleaners
* with waiters and waitresses in restaurants
* with other passengers on planes, trains, and buses
* and anywhere else!
You will be able to witness multiple times every single day to the people around you, wherever you might be. How great is that?
This system works for all types of people. Whether you're outgoing or shy, a full-time Evangelist or you work in a factory, we all have one thing in common ? our relationship with Jesus Christ.
It's that relationship experience that the My Story for Christ system capitalizes on and what makes our system so different from traditional witnessing programs. Instead of asking you to:
* practice long scripts before you can talk to anyone,
* memorize more scripture before you can share your faith, or
* attend specialized and lengthy evangelistic training courses,
... the My Story for Christ Witnessing System helps you recapture the power and awe of that one, absolutely amazing moment of profound, God-authored transformation, and then turn the miracle of that moment into a powerful witnessing tool. My Story for Christ focuses on Jesus and you - your story, together.
Warning: Use of this system
will rekindle your 1st love -
so be ready!
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The Good News is that it's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Your Personal Story has Value
"The most powerful story you know
of God's love, forgiveness and grace
is your own."
As a Christian, you have at least one moment in time when God intervened on your behalf " one moment when Heaven touched earth for you " and moved you from the Kingdom of Sin and Death to God's Kingdom of Forgiveness and Life. Sharing your story can become freedom for others.
"You have an experience
and a story that is
uniquely yours.
Who better to tell it than you?"
My Story For Christ
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My Story for Christ is a two-part system...
* a user-friendly 74-page Workbook and
* a professional-looking, online, interactive Story Tract Template
...at puts into your hands the ability to write, print and share your personal story of what God has done in your life as a personal story tract.
If you are one of the 98% who seldom witness, the My Story for Christ Witnessing System can help you get started making witnessing a part of your daily life.
If you are one of the 2% who are already witnessing regularly, your printed story tract lets you put something tangible into the hands of the people with whom you share, giving them something they can take home, mull over and share with their own circle of family and friends.
"Your story, their freedom"
Sharing your personal story of what God has done in your life:
* Gives hope to the hopeless when they read how you found a future and a hope through a relationship with Jesus Christ
* Gives instruction on how to receive Christ when they see how you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior
* Gives those who do not yet know Christ a window into the character of God through the help and grace He showed to you
* And assures others that God still loves them and has a plan for their life - no matter what their circumstances or situation
Most important of all, sharing your personal story of what God has done in your life:
* Glorifies God and honors Christs sacrifice on the Cross
* Fulfills God's Great Commission for each of us to Go out into all the world and preach the Good News to all Creation.
"You are not called to be an expert.
You are called to be a witness."
By definition, a witness is someone who gives a firsthand account of something they personally saw, heard or experienced; a testimony is their personal story of what happened.
God is not calling you to be an expert - of scripture, of theology, or of anything else. He is calling you to be a witness - to share with others your own firsthand account - your personal story - of the good things He has done for you. Simply put, witnessing is storytelling.
Let's take a minute to look at:
"Why personal stories work:
Facts tell, stories sell."
God is the Master Storyteller. Is it any surprise that His book is still today, the number-one best-seller of all time?
The Bible is filled with the personal stories of:
* Real-life people with
* Real-life problems,
* Seeking real-life help.
The fact that their real-life solutions came from a divine encounter with God has made their stories worth telling and re-telling. You see, the world is quite literally dying to hear real, honest-to-God stories from real, honest, people of God. The time has never been better for you to share your personal story of God's love and salvation.
Even in these crazy days, personal stories work because:
* Personal stories are interesting. They give the reader the opportunity to compare their life, their choices and their challenges to someone else's.
* Personal stories transcend differences of all kinds ? cultural, racial, age, gender, status and class.
* Personal stories can't be argued or debated. Unlike opinions, they are simply one person's eye-witness testimony of what happened to me.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
"Yes, but does God really want
to use my story?"
Anytime God shows up, its news; and every time He moves on behalf of His creation, it's a story worth telling.
You may be wondering, how could God use me and my personal story? ...because, to be honest, the 'before Christ' part of my life was pretty bad.
Well, I have news for you: regardless of what it looks like from the outside, the 'before Christ' part of everybody's life was pretty bad. That?s why we need a Savior, and that?s the reason for the Cross.
Remember, your personal story isn't just yours;
it's yours and Christ's.
"The reason the cross has value today is
because it was the vehicle of
God's salvation and grace."
Before Christ's crucifixion, the Cross was the symbol of ultimate shame. It was the mode of execution for the basest criminals of the land. God took what was once shameful and despised and turned it for His glory.
* When you allow God to use what was once a point of shame in your life for His glory, your past is redeemed.
* When you share your story of how God loved, forgave and restored you, you invite others to experience their own moment of forgiveness and grace.
Your personal story becomes a mirror that allows others to embrace their own guilt and shame and to help them realize they need a Savior.
Your example of how you received forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus Christ, gives others hope and instructions on how they too can experience God's forgiveness through the Cross. They are just waiting for someone to tell them how.
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God wants you to share Your Story with Others
Every Christian has a story, and every story has value because it is a living and true testimony of God?s gift of love and salvation. My Story for Christ offers you a two-part system that turns your story into a powerful witnessing tool.
* The My Story for Christ Workbook walks you through a simple, step-by-step process for turning your testimony into a powerful 1,000-word personal story tract specifically designed to speak to non-believers
* The online, interactive Story Tract Template allows you to turn your story into a professional-looking tri-fold tract that you can print at home, or take to a printer, and share with others
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
Combining skills with the appropriate tools is good, but?
"Skills + Tools + a System = Success!"
What makes My Story for Christ so special is that it is a system.
The My Story for Christ Workbook introduces you to both the skills and the tools you will need to write, print and share the personal story of God?s love, forgiveness and grace in your life.
But then we do something special; we take it a step further and place the skills and tools within the framework of a system that allows you to turn your personal story into a tri-fold witnessing tract that is:
* Attractive
* Professional-looking
* Reader-friendly
* Powerful
* And Effective
But don't stop with just one story. You can use your new story writing skills and the online interactive tract template again and again to create other stories about your personal experiences with God.
"Why I Love (Some) Tracts"
(Not All Tracts are Created Equal!)
Before I accepted Christ, the word of God didn't make much sense to me and so it wasn't something that I spent time reading or pondering. The Bible explains this, saying that to the world - to those without Christ - the word of God is foolishness. Scripture tracts have their place and their value, but they are often appreciated more by new believers than by those who have not yet made a decision for Christ. But a personal story, presented in an interesting, reader-friendly format - now that has possibilities!
10 Things that
My Personal Story Tract Can Do
that I Can't:
1. It can tell my story over and over and over and over...
2. It is always available - 24/7/365!
3. It can go home with a stranger.
4. It can be consistently articulate and concise.
5. It can travel the world without a passport or credit card.
6. It can touch the lives of people I might never meet.
7. It can squeeze itself into the odd-moments of a person's day.
8. It can keep on testifying without becoming discouraged by rejection.
9. It can never be misconstrued as threatening or as confrontational.
10. It can outlive me.
My Story For Christ
Click Here For Full Story!
P.S. Just so you know - personal story tracts aren't meant to replace talking with people. They do, however, make a great conversation-starter and are a wonderful way to continue your witness once you've said goodbye.
It sounds exciting, doesn?t it? But some of you are shaking your heads and thinking ~
"This would be great - if I were a writer."
One of the strengths of the My Story for Christ Witnessing System is that it takes you step-by-step through the writing process and allows you to become a master storyteller of your own personal experience with Christ.
The easy-to-follow instructions help you cut through the trap of religious jargon, or church-speak, and shows you how to speak directly to the heart of the non-believer.
This system is designed for everyone, regardless of your current writing skills or your computer savvy. The My Story for Christ Workbook takes the guessing out of what to write and removes the mystery of where to start. The important thing is for you to start - and finish - your story, get it printed and begin sharing it with others.
"Just some of the personal benefits
of owning
The My Story for Christ
Witnessing System."
When my husband and I sat down to write our own personal stories we drew up a list of some of the things we experienced from going through this process. Here are just some of the benefits we know you will experience when you write, print and share your own personal story with others.
"Enjoy these benefits."
* A revelation of God's take on failure and success
* A deeper personal understanding of God's redemptive power and grace in your life.
* Freedom from the past and the ability to view success, failure and forgiveness from God?s perspective
* A new mindset and an expanded understanding of just how much God loves you
* An explosion of boldness in your faith and your walk with God
* A deeper and more focused prayer life
* A sense of personal validation as you realize that your story is a gift that can be shared with others
* A new love and appreciation for the Bible when you see it as a collection of personal stories
* A deeper love and compassion for those without Christ
* Access to a vehicle for expressing the miracle of God?s grace in your life to a great number of people
* Skills that will allow you to write future experiences in a witnessing-tool format
* Empowerment for evangelism based on personal initiative and ownership of a workable plan of action
* A passion for productive, effective witnessing on a regular basis - 24/7/365!
My Story For Christ
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It is not just you, the individual, who benefits from owning and using the My Story for Christ Witnessing System.
"The local church benefits, too, with..."
* Increased positive impact on your community
* Church growth through new believers, as story tracts instruct readers to call your church for follow-up and prayer
* Spiritual renewal, which always accompanies evangelism
* Church members becoming excited about witnessing
* Church members empowered to witness through ownership of their own personal story and a workable plan of action
* No extra burden on the church's evangelism budget as members pay for their own training and the printing of their own stories to share with others
* The ability to publish Church members' stories in a book form
* Generous Affiliate Benefits
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Now is the time to ~
Start Sharing
Your Personal Story Now
In the book of John, Jesus told His disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers, for the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. The Harvest has never been as ripe and as plentiful as it is now.
Take a moment to consider the power and the impact of putting a tangible witness into the hands of those around you. The My Story for Christ Witnessing System gives you the tools you need to write, print and share your personal story of what God has done in your life.
"God gives seed to the sower.
Your personal story is
seed in your hand."
Harvests don't happen without seed. That is why I am asking you to take an inventory of what you already have in your hand - your personal story of God's redemptive work in your own life.
"When you write, print and share
your personal story with others,
the Seed in your hand
creates a Harvest
for the Kingdom."
It is time to treat that God-given seed with the respect it deserves. Let me show you how writing, printing and sharing your personal salvation story using the My Story for Christ Witnessing System can help you do just that.
If you were to share your personal story tract with just?
* 2-people every day, in one year's time, you would have witnessed to 730-people
* 5-people a day touches the lives of 1,825-people
* 10-people a day over one single year - that's 3,650 people with whom you have shared your testimony
It gives you something to think about, doesn't it? It also gives the Holy Spirit something substantial with which to work.
"But there's something else to consider."
Because your story tract is a physical thing and not simply words-on-the-wind, just one of your personal story tracts has the potential to be read many multiples of times by many multiple numbers of people, all of whom need to hear and receive the message of God's love, forgiveness and salvation.
Your story of how God has saved you and set you free with the gift of His salvation can touch a city, a nation, the world with Revival!
Take a look at the absolutely amazing results that can come from one man with a hand-full of paper.
Frank Jenner: The Man from George Street
My Story For Christ
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Mr. Jenner's name was known in Heaven. My prayer for you is that your name would be known and celebrated as well.
"If church growth, up to now
was the result of
just 2% of the Body of Christ
actively witnessing,
just imagine what
your neighborhood, your city,
your world
will look like when
the other 98% of the Body of Christ
is equipped and mobilized
to share their faith
on a regular basis."
So let me ask you again ~
"What would it take to get you to start witnessing on a daily basis?"
How will you choose to fit into the equation? The My Story for Christ Witnessing System empowers and equips you to make witnessing part of your daily life. We've taken care of the 'equipping' part; the rest is in your hands. So, what will it be?
"There really are only two choices:
Will you be Challenged or will you be Changed?"
Will you be Challenged by the idea of planting the seed of the Gospel into the hearts, minds and lives of a lost and dying world? Or will you be changed by the challenge? There's a difference.
* 'Challenged' means that you call your friends and maybe your pastor, and tell them to take a look at a cool new website
* 'Changed' means that you take your testimony of that moment in time when Heaven touched earth in your own life, and turn it into a powerful witnessing tool by writing, printing and sharing your personal salvation story with others
The choice is yours; it is up to you. Change begins with you.
If you are ready to be mobilized, to start sowing the seeds of Revival into your world, begin by owning The My Story for Christ Witnessing System. Then download the My Story for Christ Workbook and start writing today to become part of a new movement that will touch the world with the love of Christ.
By ordering the My Story For Christ system you are agreeing to the following:
"Terms & Conditions"
1. I understand that my use of the story tract template is for the intended purposes only; which is, for printing and sharing my personal story for Christ with others. I understand that the template is not to be used to solicit business opportunities or to create a product to be sold or resold to a third party.
2. I understand that Absolutely Amazing Seminars, LLC takes no responsibility or liability for any undesired or unanticipated outcomes from my writing, printing and sharing my personal story with others.
3. I understand that the e-book I am purchasing is in a pdf format, and that I will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader software on my computer to download, read and print The My Story for Christ Workbook. (Visit www.adobe.com to download Adobe Acrobat Reader at no charge.)
4. I understand that the My Story for Christ Tract Template requires MS Word to download with the proper formatting intact. (Visit www.office.microsoft.com to either purchase MS Word or to enjoy a free 60-day trial download.)
5. Our refund policy is 60 days from date of purchase.
6. I understand that my copy of The My Story for Christ Workbook and the My Story for Christ Tract Template cannot be copied (other than for my personal use) or "loaned" to others due to copyright laws.
By clicking the order button below signifies that you agree with these terms and conditions.
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Once you pay you will be lead to a Thank You page where you may immediately download your copy of the My Story For Christ ebook and tract templates.
For those of you who are ready to take up the challenge and start changing your world for Christ, we are committed to support and serve you.
The My Story for Christ website will make available to you:
* Online archived blogs to answer your questions and to offer support as you write, print and share your personal story tracts
* Online samples and examples to help you write - and finish - your personal story tract and to get it printed
* Interactive blogs that address creative ways to share your personal story tracts with others
* Future materials to further assist you in writing, printing and sharing additional personal stories
* An online venue that allows you to post and share your personal story with other Christians around the world
Now go get started!
"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony."
Rev. 12:11
You can contact Corrine Le'au at: corrineleau@mystoryforchrist.com
You can contact Sosene Le'au at: soseneleau@mystoryforchrist.com
For troubleshooting needs, contact our administrative department at: admin@mystoryforchrist.com
Or you can write us at:
Absolutely Amazing Seminars, LLC
216 Purple Passion Avenue
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
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