But if you’re looking for affordable, common-sense, attractive materials to prepare one or more children for baptism — materials that teach children about baptism:
* In a memorable way,
* In straightforward language that even young children can understand,
* In a fun and engaging way that even older children will appreciate,
* Using activities, puzzles, and worksheets to make learning even more fun,
* And (most importantly) based fundamentally and solidly on what the Bible teaches about baptism,
then congratulations — your search may have just ended.
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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Close Up of Rob FaveroMy name is Rob Favero. A number of years ago I was in the exact same spot you were. My two boys — young believers in Christ — were ready to acknowledge their faith in Christ in a public setting. It was an exciting time, and I wanted to be sure that they had a proper understanding of this important event, an event that’s a milestone in the life of any believer.
I wanted them to clearly understand that baptism doesn’t save you. But I also wanted them to appreciate the sacred importance of this special ceremony.
Baptism for Children: Vital Topics You Should Consider
Helping Kids Appreciate What Baptism Is All About
But frankly, getting kids to appreciate the wonderful meaning of baptism is a real challenge in today’s society. As you may have experienced, our modern world trappings can tempt us to view baptism as little more than an antiquated religious ritual that does little more than leave its participants soaking wet.
I wanted to make sure that my boys would experience their baptism as something more than just a “bothersome, outdated church thing my parents made me do.”
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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A Search in Vain
That’s when my search began. First I checked with some local Christian bookstores. But none of them carried anything for preparing children for baptism.
Then I did a search on the Internet. Still nothing suitable.
Wow! If my local Christian bookstores did not carry even one resource to prepare children for baptism, and if I couldn’t find anything that met my needs on the Internet, what were my chances of finding materials anywhere that would explain baptism the way I wanted?
That’s what ultimately motivated me to create my own set of lessons. This gave me the special opportunity to create a resource that explained baptism in a way I hoped would bring this special ceremony alive for my boys.
Creating My Own Baptism Preparation Materials
So I pulled out my Bible, fired up my creative passions, prayed, and began working on a project that eventually became known as Joey’s Baptism.
Joey's Baptism - Sample 1 - Thumbnail
The result is a 4-lesson eBook (electronic book) complete with engaging lessons, hands-on activities, puzzles, and activity sheets.
I was quite pleased with the results.
And so was the children’s director at our church.
I still remember how excited she was when she got ahold of a copy that I had given to one of our pastors. She told me:
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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You don’t know how much impact this booklet is going to have!
And as you can see in the following testimonials, others since that time have expressed similar views.
“I was able to download the book with no problems, and so far the book is wonderful!! We have completed chapter one and my daughter loved doing the ‘blanket baptisms’ in the living room. It was really fun for her and I think it took some of the fear out of being ‘dunked.’
“She is already getting excited about being baptised and starting to understand it’s meaning a bit more, which is what I really desired. Thank you so much for this book. It is such a wonderful teaching tool and I will tell my friends about your website!”
- Elizabeth, Mother
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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“Your teaching was very helpful, the children truly understood the meaning, and parents were involved (that does not happen too often).”
- Connie, Hope 4 Kids Coordinator
“The story is good and would be very useful for rotational lessons. It could be used in so many different rotational rooms. I might write a couple of lessons using your story. I will link your address for people to order if I have your permission. It really is a good story.”
- Denise, C.E. Director
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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I believe Joey’s Baptism is a well-crafted, trustworthy resource that can help you prepare your child for baptism.
A Four Lesson Approach
The booklet is divided into 4 lessons:
1. Joey’s Big Question (What is baptism all about?)
2. Grandpa Explains (Baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection.)
3. Water, Water Everywhere (Water is a special element for baptism.)
4. Final Questions (Baptism shows that we have put our trust in Jesus.)
Joey's Baptism - Sample 2 - Thumbnail
Each lesson gives a straightforward and engaging explanation of the important elements of baptism. They’re big concepts presented in simple terms to match your child’s level of understanding. Activities at the end of each chapter reinforce the concepts introduced in each chapter.
For Children From Kindergarten Through 4th Grade
Joey’s Baptism is targeted for children in kindergarten through 4th grade. The lessons are written in a style that is simple enough for a five- or six-year-old to understand, yet the presentation and concepts are challenging enough to satisfy the interest of even a nine- or ten-year-old.
Joey's Baptism - Sample 3 - Thumbnail
To better match varying abilities for children of different ages, each chapter ends with two activity sheets, one for younger children and one for older children. (Children older than 10 can also benefit from use of this booklet, though the activity sheets may not interest them.)
Of course, having a resource that presents big concepts in a readable, clear way is only good if the concepts it’s presenting are accurate. So the question is:
Is the teaching in Joey’s Baptism faithful to solid Biblical teaching?
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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Joey's Baptism - Sample 4 - Thumbnail
If you’re like me, there’s no compromising here. I’ve got to be confident that whatever I’m teaching my children about baptism is rock-solid.
And for that reason I had the book reviewed by an evangelical pastor to ensure its faithfulness to Biblical teaching.
After all — if you have the most awesome teaching materials in the world, but they’re teaching the wrong things, it’s doesn’t matter in the least how great they might be.
So you can be confident that Joey’s Baptism will lead your child in the right direction on her or his spiritual journey.
So did it work for my kids? Realistically it’s hard to know precisely how much influence we have in the things we do. However, at one point when my younger son was a junior in high school — many years after having gone through my materials and still living as a person committed to serving God — he told me something like this: “I don’t remember much about the details of your baptism materials, but I do remember that I really liked them.”
A Sample from Joey’s Baptism
To help you decide if this valuable resource is right for you and the child or children you are preparing for baptism, I’m making available the fourth chapter as a sample for you to review. It’s a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file, and you can download it right now.
Get Your Copy Today
Joey’s Baptism is a downloadable ebook in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format, and you can purchase a copy for just $8.50 for home use and just $30 for unlimited use in a church or organization setting.
PLEASE NOTE: These prices are reduced from prices you may find elsewhere on this site, so be sure to bookmark this page to get these prices.
Further, this is a no-risk purchase. You get a full 60-day money back guarantee. If in your opinion you decide that Joey’s Baptism is not exactly as I’ve described it, you can get a full refund.
Your home use purchase allows you to use Joey’s Baptism with every child in your immediate family, whether you have one child or four children or more. (I do request that families do not share a copy but that each family purchase their own copy.)
Your church or organization purchase allows you to make unlimited copies of any parts of Joey’s Baptism for use with any number of children in any training program sponsored by your church or organization. This is an affordable, easy-to-administer way to provide copies for each child in your church baptism preparation program.
Water Baptism For Children Who Are Christians
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BUT WAIT! What if I want to use Joey’s Baptism in a church or organization setting with just a few kids. Do I have to pay the full, unlimited use price?
ANSWER: No you don’t. Here’s what you can do. For 1 or 2 children just buy 1 home use copy (a cost of $8.50). For 3 or 4 children, buy two home use copies (a cost of $17). For 5, 6, or 7 children, by three home use copies (a cost of $25.50).
Joey’s Baptism provides young believers with solid Biblical teaching about the purpose of baptism in the Christian life. It puts big concepts in child-level terms to make baptism a meaningful and memorable ceremony for children. I believe you will be pleased with the quality preparation Joey’s Baptism will provide to your daughter or son.
If you have any questions, please contact me, Rob Favero.
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