Attention: People Who Love God's Word and Want to Know More About One of the Most Amazing Women in the Bible!
Are You Tired of Superficial Bible Studies or Topical Stuff That's More About How to Feel Good Than How to Grow as a True Woman of Godliness? Are You Ready to Read About How a Godly Woman Survived and Even Thrived in Times of Hardship! Get Ready to Meet Ruth!
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Ruth may be the easiest book in the Bible to read, because it's short and it sounds a lot like a novel. It's about a young woman facing very hard times. Ruth knew all about economic hardship. She knew about loss, too. As a matter of fact, when this story opens Ruth is confronting problems that make the loss of a 401(k) or a home foreclosure look pretty puny.
And what does Ruth do? She doesn't always take the easy way out, but she persists.
The book of Ruth is very challenging to those who think the Bible is all about meek, mousey women who stay at home. Ruth is a single woman when the story opens and part of her story involves how she got a job in order to hold her family together. Ruth is about the dignity and strength of women.
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But it's also about humility and courage and devotion.
Did you know, for example, that:
* Ruth is one of the very few characters in the Bible to be mentioned in both the Old and New Testament?
* Ruth was a farm girl, but she gave one of the most eloquent speeches known in history when she promises Naomi she'll go with her to Bethlehem?
* The story of Ruth is so ancient that it was a thousand years old when Jesus was born?
* Ruth is one of just two books in all of Scripture that bear the name of a woman? (The other one is Esther.)
* Ruth is Rahab's daughter-in-law?
* One of the characters in the book of Ruth is believed to be a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ?
* Ruth is the grandmother of King David?
Ruth of the Bible deals with this amazing and surprisingly timely book of the Bible line-by-line. If you don't think the Bible has relevant, practical, real-life value for your right now, you haven't read Ruth! We are absolutely convinced you'll find some of the answers to your present questions right here, for example:
* Should women work outside the home?
* Is a husband-and-wife-and-kids the only kind of family God honors?
* How should a woman behave on the job?
* What's the best way to get noticed by godly men who want to get married?
* Is the easiest way always the best way out of a problem?
* What should you do when you run out of money?
* How can you deal with ethnic or racial prejudice in your community?
* How should I treat my in-laws?
* Can my godly conduct now impact the lives of others?
* How can I survive tough times and still honor God?
Over the years, some people have drawn incredible strength from this book. Isn't it time that you read it ... I mean really read it ... for yourself?
Now I know what a lot of people say about reading the Bible. It can be tough--particularly the Old Testament. I've talked to women all over who have attempted to dig into the book of Ruth and came away confused or bored. That's why you need this kind of book which explains some of the cultural issues that help you make sense of the book of Ruth. You'll learn:
* Why Ruth had to uncover Boaz's feet while he was asleep in order to speak to him
* The historical issues that would make Naomi's family leave Bethlehem and the social issues they confronted whey they returned
* The prejudices in ancient societythat made Ruth nervous--and could have made her an outcast
* Why widows sometimes starved to death in Ruth's society and why so few people tried to help them
* Why Boaz had the "right" to marry Ruth, if he wanted to
* How Ruth wound up marrying the son of Rahab of Jericho and Salmon, one of Joshua's spies
* The eternal significance of Ruth's being the mother to a baby boy named Obed
* How Moabites worshiped and why the Hebrews rightly feared them
* Examples of how God works in ordinary events
* That Ruth is an amazing role model for all women but particularly for single working women trying to make it in economically tough times!
We beta-tested this book and got back a pretty awesome response from one reader. She said, "I printed this book out and read it. The last part grabbed me so much that I took it with me when I went to lunch and read it out loud to one of my friends. It was just what we needed to hear, it really touched the heart of women who are single! I have read this book before, I knew the story, but this was the first time I saw things in it that were so specific to my life right at this moment."
Hey, but don't take her word for her, judge for yourself.
This gives you a good idea of the tone and scope of the book. Author Veronica Donofrio did an outstanding job of putting together hours and hours of extensive research and study into a format that's friendly, engaging, and full of insight.
You can get this book right now, instantly. You see, it's digital. You can get a downloadable copy delivered right to you in a few moments, no matter where you live or no matter what time it is.
It costs $7.77. That's all. Less than the price of a mediocre-quality paperback book for line-by-line insightful, inspirational, and important work on Ruth.
If you're like most Christian women, you probably have not been exposed to a lot of serious line-by-line Bible studies. You almost certainly have not had much chance to get to know Ruth, up close and personal. This is a great original manuscript available to you at a very reasonable price.
And you can only get it from us. Now, to be quite truthful, there may come a day when we decide to publish this as a regular paperback book. That could very well happen--so one day this book may be distributed more widely. But for right now ... you can only get it here and we think the price is a great deal.
One more thing! Our guarantee can't be beaten. That's because we take all of the risk. You buy the book. You'll have it in moments. And then you read it, work with it, see what you think. If you decide that it isn't for you, doesn't live up to our promises, or doesn't tell you useful and important (potentially life-changing) information ... then send it back. That's right. We'll take it back, no questions asked. Now we have to put a time limit on a guarantee like that. Most places would make it 2 weeks. Some might wow you with 30 days. But you know what? We'll give you a full 60 days to test-read this book (and we already showed you a sample).
So what's the risk? The risk is missing out!
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