But, your Delightful Father does not want your time in His Word to just be an additional item to check off of your to-do list. He wants it to be a time where He can use His Word to repair your mind. Where He can transform you into the person He appointed you to be. So, how do you study the Bible? Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that's How!
"But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will lead you into all the Accuracy (the whole, full Truth)..." - John 16:13 (Amplified)
So, now you have discovered the first of your Bible Study Basics. Follow Link and Read Full Story On our Official Website:
Inspired By: The Bible Experience!!
Bible Study Basic #1: Never Study Without The Spirit of The Lord!
But what other techniques can help you make your Bible study time bear good spiritual fruit?
Bible Study Basic #2: Don't be afraid to write in your Bible!
Some folks are afraid they will mess up their Bibles. Do not be. Make notes in the margins of your Bible and emphasize passages that stroke your spirit. This makes it easier to sit down now and then and return to the things you have learned.
Reading over your notes and revelations frequently is one of the most excellent ways to remind yourself of thing that the Holy Spirit reveals to you as you study.
Bible Study Essential #3: Invest in mini post-it notes and sticky tabs.
Want to leave a larger note right on the page of a precise scripture? Use a mini post-it so that the revelation you received will be there waiting for you next time you turn over past. As an alternative of using bookmarks, use small humid tabs to indicate verses you want to come back to or meditate on. This way, you can dye code your revision topics by using special colored tabs, and even keep track of more scriptures. Follow Link and Read Full Story On our Official Website:
Inspired By: The Bible Experience!!
Bible Study Fundamental #4: Select A topic or reason for your Bible study.
Center your study all-around something you are fascinated in, and you will never disregard to study your Bible again! Find out what God has to say about developing faith or raising holy children? Hunt for all of the knowledge in the Proverbs or pick apart the story of creation in Genesis? This is the best way to personalize your Bible study skill.
Bible Study Fundamental #5: Keep a Bible Study pad.
As you revise, write down the things that you discover. You can keep a running list of your favorite scriptures or write down things that God reveals to your heart as you study. Using your pad to journal is also key. Journal on particular scriptures, what they mean to you, and how you'll incorporate them into everyday life.

No matter how you study God's Word, don't forget your #1 Bible Study Basic. Pray before you begin your Bible study sessions and invite the Holy Spirit in to be your guide. That way, your study time will always bear good fruit! Follow Link and Read Full Story On our Official Website:
Inspired By: The Bible Experience!!